Three Most Common Learning Disorders in Children
By Nmami Life Editorial 23-Feb 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

A person who has a hard time remembering, learning, reading, writing things, he/she might be suffering from learning disabilities. Children suffering from learning disabilities may find it difficult to adjust among the regular batch of the students in school. They need proper attention to excel in their own way. Learning disabilities can get better with time if worked upon carefully. There are several learning disorders that a person might be going through and the 3 common learning disabilities found in children are as follows:
- Dyslexia: “Dys” means difficulty and “Lexia” means words that is “difficulty with words”.
This learning disorder includes difficulty in reading and decoding words. The child finds it difficult to identify the speech sounds and how they relate to letters and words also known as reading disability. Dyslexia affects the language processor of the brain. Dyslexia can be diagnosed as soon as the child starts going to school, he/she might find problems in forming sentences, in using the right words, in remembering things, find difficulty to spell a word, difficulty in memorizing things. Dyslexia may also get diagnosed at a later age for some people too. - Dysgraphia: “Dys” means difficulty and “graphia” means writing that is “difficulty with writing”.
Dysgraphia is a learning disability in which the writing abilities of the children are affected, making it difficult for the child to spell words, get good handwriting, and to put thoughts on paper. Children suffering from dysgraphia undergo difficulties writing answers or sentences and if they do, the piece of article is very difficult to understand due to poor spellings. Children who have these symptoms like finding it hard to hold a pencil, bad grip, tend to get tired very quickly while writing, unfinished sentences, illegible handwriting might be suffering from dysgraphia.
- Dyscalculia: “Dys” means difficulty and “calculia” means calculations and mathematics that is “difficulty with calculations and mathematics”.
Children who struggle with basic number sense and find it difficult to solve math problems, calculating the number and weak in arithmetic skills are all signs of dyscalculia. Children with dyscalculia might also have trouble with counting principles or might take more time than usual. High levels of mathematics anxiety might also be found in some cases.
Despite the learning disorders, children always have the caliber to succeed. Children with learning disabilities might be smart as others but they just need the right amount of help and need to be taught in ways that are tailored to their unique learning styles.
Over to You
If you find your children going through any learning disability, get proper help for them and support them throughout. Children are very sensitive to their parents and a parent holds very important part in a child’s life. Every child is unique in their way and learning disabilities cannot stop them to succeed. They just need emotional support throughout their journey.
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