Top 5 Myths on Sexual Health Busted
By Nmami Life Editorial 13-Feb 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Sexual Health is not a subject that is discussed as openly as it should. People feel shy, uncomfortable, and even anxious when the topic is on the table and often do not share the stuff they should. Usually, this creates a misconception because of no clear communication which leads to rumors and spread via whispers. These rumors when not confronted become myths and generally considered to be true and proven false. Though some may consider it ‘safer’ to abide by the myths, today we’ll bust 5 of the most popular myths to improve your sex drive.
The top 5 list of Sexual Health, busted!
- Pre-cum will make you pregnant? No! Pre-cum on the penis head does not make you pregnant, it is perfectly safe if the Pre-cum makes its way inside the vagina because it is mainly lubricating content with NO sperms. Since sperms are a prerequisite for getting pregnant, Pre-cum CANNOT make you pregnant. While on the topic of getting pregnant, oral sex DOES NOT make you pregnant. Ingesting any sperm will not make you pregnant. Sperms Need to be ejaculated inside the vagina to fuse with the egg and get pregnant.
- Condoms are not effective?! Condoms are one of the most easily accessible contraptions for both men and women. The chances of getting pregnant while having protected sex are almost ZERO! That’s not the case if the condom is expired or has holes in it. Condoms are the most preferred choice to avoid any sexually transmitted disease since no actual contact is observed between the penis and vagina!
- Hormonal birth control is BAD? Not really, it is a personal choice. Unless you are a victim of the chronic disease there are almost no chances of any side effects. It all comes down to what you prefer.
- Having exclusive and limited sex means you don’t need a Sexual Health checkup? Even though you have exclusive Intercourse and that too not so often that doesn’t mean you don’t need a health check-up. Regular health check-ups will help you identify any symptoms you might be having which you didn’t even realize you had! This early identification will be a significant step in its treatment and rectification. Hence it is always recommended to have regular Sexual Health checkups.
- You can’t get STIs if you don’t have penetrative sex. STIs can spread from skin-to-skin contact and in bodily fluids. This means you can catch STIs from having any type of sex, including penetrative vaginal sex, but also from anal sex, oral sex, using your hands, intimate skin contact, and sharing sex toys. Always use physical protective contraception whenever you share your bed with an STD Infected individual. If you have an active sex drive always go for regular health checkups.
Over to you.
Sexual Health is often compromised because of discomfort, anxiousness, or shyness about sharing your Sexual life. Such lack of communication can lead to rumors and myths via whispers. Follow the above-mentioned points to improve your knowledge about such myths and have a stress free life. Stay safe, stay healthy.