What is Seed Cycling and its Effect on Menstruation
By Tamanna 25-Jan 2020 Reading Time: 6 Mins

Seed cycling is the recent naturopathic trend followed by women all over the world that boosts fertility, balances hormones and eases the symptoms of menstruation.
The idea is to eat pumpkin, flax, sesame and sunflower seeds at different times of months to balance the hormones.It is claimed to balance the hormones throughout the two phases of menstrual cycle by regulating the estrogen in the first half of the month and progesterone in the second half using the nutrients found in the seeds.
Seed cycling is shown to reduce acne, treats PCOS, increases fertility, regulates periods and eases menopause symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, hot flashes and night sweats.The most easy and effective way to use seeds in daily life is by adding them in smoothies, adding the ground seeds to things salads or oatmeal, or even mixed in with a spoonful of peanut butter.
Reasons for hormonal imbalances:
Certain health conditions such as PCOS, hypothyroidism, being over or under weight and many more leads to hormonal imbalance. Not only this, during menopause the hormones produced during luteal phase( estrogen and progesterone) decreases leading to risk of heart diseases, osteoporosis and weight gain.
How does it work?
- Seeds are consumed in such a manner that during the first 13-14 days (follicular phase) of the menstrual cycle, women are instructed to consume 1 tablespoon each of pumpkin seeds and ground flax seeds per day. During the second half of the cycle (luteal phase) women eat 1 tablespoon each of sesame and ground sunflower seeds per day until the first day of their menstruation cycle starts again.
- Now the doubts come to the women who are on their menopause or postmenopause period as they do not experience regular periods. They may use different phases of the moon as a guide to menstrual cycle dates, with the first day falling on the new moon.
How seeds affect hormonal balancing?
- As per the study claims, The phytoestrogens in flax seeds help in increase or decrease of estrogen levels.
- The zinc in the pumpkin seeds promotes progesterone production levels in the preparation of the next phase of the cycle.
- The lignin (a type of polyphenol) in sesame seeds inhibits estrogen levels from increasing too much in the luteal phase.
- Lastly, the vitamin E in the sunflower seeds helps boost progesterone levels.
How do seed cycling effects in hormone balancing?
- Hormones are balanced by this process through the actions of lignans and phytoestrogens. Sesame and flax seeds have high levels of lignin. Flaxseeds are shown to have improved hormone levels and cycle regularity. Zinc and vitamin E in adequate amounts are necessary for good reproductive health. According to some scientific research the effects of pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds are limited and are not clear.
- During menopause, flaxseeds slightly increase estrogen, reduce vaginal dryness and better the overall quality of menopausal and post-menopausal women.
- Although the seeds cycling is very famous and have claimed to show results, it would be recommended to consult the gynaecologist to start off with the process. In normal, seeds are one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can consume. Adding more seeds to your daily meals and snacks can have various health benefits over time. These nutrient-powerhouses contain minerals that help boost immunity, balance blood pressure, and support healthy tissues.
- No single food can make or break your state of health. There’s no scientific reason to proclaim seed cycling. Seeds are highly nutritious and can be eaten based on their taste and different nutritional benefits.
Over to you:
As you all know, good things take time so ladies be patient and follow it for a few months to notice positive results. Seed cycling is claimed to have shown results but the scientific evidence is weak. Eating seeds is still a great way to improve the quality of your diet and overall health.