When to Start with Exercise Regime Post Delivery
By Nmami Life Editorial 09-Jul 2020 Reading Time: 6 Mins

The body goes through various transformations during pregnancy and getting back to the pre-pregnancy body after delivery requires time and patience. Many women remain confused about when to start the post-delivery workouts as they eagerly want their pre-pregnancy body back. But various health experts said that new mothers should not be in a hurry to get back in shape and slowly start their post-delivery workouts to avoid any health complications or internal injuries.
When to start?
Hopping back into workout regimen right after the delivery is not a good option as the body goes through various changes during labour and birth and an enthusiastic exercise regimen directly after giving birth can lead to various physical problems like back pain, leaky bladder, stiffness and pains in various joints in the body while taking you close to various types of internal injuries.
Many health professionals suggest that waiting for up to 6 to 8 weeks post-delivery to start an exercise regime is a healthy step towards physical fitness and overall well-being. However, if you have a complicated delivery or if you are suffering from hefty bleeding, extreme soreness, and headaches on a regular basis or any other uncommon symptoms, it is quite important to seek a doctor’s advice before engaging yourself in a workout program after delivery.
Important guidelines to consider while working out
A daily exercise regimen post-delivery is quite good for total health and can help in proper regulation of the hormones, promote a good night sleep, and reduce the risk of postpartum depression as well. After waiting a few weeks, indulging in a moderate-intensity exercise regimen for at least 30-45 minutes regularly is quite beneficial for your body. Here are some guidelines that you should abide by when you start working out after pregnancy.
- Give yourself enough time to warm up and cool down.
- Don’t burden yourself, slowly begin your workout and upsurge your pace gradually.
- Keep yourself hydrated.
- Properly assess your pelvic floor
- Never miss out on a supportive bra, if you’re breast-feeding.
- Rest up
- Discontinue the exercise regimen if you feel any pain
Activities you can try
Make sure to start with basic and simple exercises whenever you start with your exercise regimen post-delivery. Easy and simple moves never hurt you and also make you ready for the intense workouts as well. Here are some easy and simple exercises that you can include in your workout regime.
- Walking: Walking is one of the simple exercises with which you can easily start your post-delivery exercise schedule. Regular walking for about 15-20 minutes will help in strengthening and toning the muscles of your body, fuels your energy levels, aids in losing weight and also reduces the risk of various health ailments. Walking is a cool and calm way to get yourself fitter after delivery without any injuries or pains.
- Low Impact Aerobics: Beats per minutes move with music is a great way to get back in shape especially if you enjoy dancing. However, avoid high impact dance moves like zumba or doonya and focus more on gentle form of aerobics with box type movements. You should consider consulting a fitness expert for better guidance and support.
- Breathing exercises: Breathing is one of the laid-back exercises that help you in entering into a fitness routine after delivery with much ease. Deep breathing assists in relaxed muscles while making your body and mind calm and relaxed.
Pregnancy is a complex process and returning back to your normal body after delivery might be challenging and problematic. Entering into a workout schedule after pregnancy is quite beneficial for the overall health but do wait for some weeks before starting. Consult your doctor before you start with any exercise regime.