Your Guide to Indoor Plants that Can Purify Air Naturally
By Nmami Life Editorial 21-Nov 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

How trendy and important indoor foliage has become. Did you know? A modern building can have unforeseen side effects, that’s because of the lack of airflow in the building which allows indoor air pollution and can cause health problems like sick building syndromes or asthma.
According to NASA, houseplants can absorb harmful pollutants from the air, especially in closed compartments with less airflow. Plants are more therapeutic and cost-effective natural air purifiers and can also contribute to a positive and happy mindset.
Looking to taper the toxins in your home? It’s often the germs and toxic elements that are stagnant and can cause harm to our surroundings. But alas! These air purifying plants will help you reduce toxins and improve air quality at your home.
- Spider plants:
- Dracaenas
- Bamboo Palm
- Aloe Vera
- Boston Fern
Spider plants or air plants look great in hanging baskets, especially in your work area. These plants grow quickly and even produce beautiful white blossoms sometimes.
Dracaenas come in all sizes, shapes, and colours and are a novice green thumb’s dream. There are more than 40 different kinds of Dracaenas which make it easy to find and are perfect to fit in your office and home. However, these plants are toxic to dogs and cats if by chance they eat the plant, so pet owners do consider it before buying this plant.
This slow-grower plant can bring a lot of green to your area and it’s height reaches up to 12 feet. How exciting is that? Palms bloom in an irie amount of light away from cold whiff.
Aloe vera’s are easily taken care of and have some really serious health wins. The plant’s leaves consist of a clear liquid full of enzymes, amino acids, vitamins and other potent compounds that have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, and antibacterial properties.
This is a great plant to keep in your kitchen window for a quick burn relief remedy. Just break open a leaf to get that gook.
This plant cleans the quality of air and is relatively easy to thrive, but they do need to remain moist. Do check your soil every day to see whether it needs water and give it a nice soak once in a month.
Over to you:
You can seize some potential benefits from the above houseplants. Houseplants are a great way to clean the surroundings and to calm the mind while making yourself all hale and hearty. Invest more in the green patch around you to keep yourself in fine fettle.