5 Signs You Are Neglecting Your Health
By Nmami Agarwal 31-Jan 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

When we talk about self-neglect it is the unwillingness of self to care about personal hygiene and needs, it often shows its manifestation in different ways such as poor attention to one’s complete and balanced nutrition, hygiene, clothing, cleanliness, or appropriate care for one’s medical conditions. Self-neglect can occur due to ignorance, medical conditions such as dementia or brain damage, mental illnesses, or psychotic disorders. Such people may engage in unhealthy practices such as substance abuse, excessive tobacco, and alcohol consumption, and inappropriate behavior out in the public. It is often said looking good and feeling good is the main perception one can have towards their health, therefore indicators which show health neglects are –
1- Dullness in the luster of hair and paling of skin – The skin is a good reflection of the body’s overall health and the organ which undergoes the most wear and tear. Thus, they show symptoms very easily compared to other parts of the body. Skin is affected by both external and internal factors and thus deficiencies in the body are most easily shown on hair and skin, such as omega 3 fatty acid deficiency which makes the hair and skin dull and dry. Grime on skin and boils also indicate poor hygiene or infection from pathogens and fungus.
2- Fatigue in the body after minimal activity – According to experts the most accurate indicator of something wrong is fatigue. Its causes range from hormonal imbalance to stress both mental and physical.
Heaviness and swelling in limbs generally legs may be early signs of venous insufficiency. Getting tired very easily affects the sleep cycle, official work, and activities, and personal life as well. Poor blood circulation leads to aching and swelling with chances of heart problems arising.
3- Bad breath – Sign of poor oral hygiene, excessive alcohol consumption, and in serious cases ulcers in the digestive tract. It may cause one’s overall presentation to fall and in the long run serious medical ailments. Food items that may be sticky are also to be avoided as much as possible to keep gums and teeth in good health.
4- Insomnia – commonly caused due to stress, it exhausts a person keeping them up while they need to sleep and impairing your daily life activities as you never get the rest required to function properly. It lowers your reaction time and puts you at an increased risk for long-term conditions such as high blood pressure and brain ailments.
5- Lack of focus – When your concentration throughout the day is negligible and you cannot focus on anything, it may be a sign your health is at risk. If days, where you lack focus becomes regular then it is imperative to consult a professional as there may be many underlying reasons such as hormonal imbalance and stressed mind.
Therefore, noticing the signs given by your body and taking care of yourself is a necessity.