6 Mindful Ways to Set Your New Year’s Goals like a Champ
By Nmami Agarwal 01-Jan 2022 Reading Time: 5 Mins

New Year’s goals aren’t like ordinary goals. They have a far more powerful effect on our brain because the end of one year and the start of another year symbolize new beginnings, a new chapter, and another chance to achieve the things we have always dreamt of but couldn’t pace up to that level.
Here, we have simplified 6 ways for you to set your New Year’s goals like a champ that will help you achieve all your desired goals in a hale and hearty way.
- Set realistic goals: While it would be great to lose 15 kilos, get out of debt, and get a new job that pays twice your salary in the coming New Year, you do want to make sure that any goals you set are ones you can accomplish easily in one year. So, instead of setting a huge goal that involves lots of time rather work on framing your resolutions as smaller goals that can be accomplished reasonably.
- Make measurable goals: To stick to your New Year goals, you need to be able to see consistently that you are on the right track after every few months. The best way to do that is to set goals that can be measured again and again over short periods of time for the better implementation of your goals. For example, if you want to keep in touch with friends instead say I will meet this particular friend over a coffee this weekend.
- Plan ahead: To make sure you get success, you need to research the change you are making and plan ahead so you have the resources available when you need them. If you are planning to quit smoking or lose weight this year, research on various platforms on how to achieve these goals effectively. Get everything ready so things will run smoothly and there will be no space for excuses.
- Don’t doubt yourself- Go for it: You can achieve any goal you set your eyes on. Just think in that way and manifest this by writing a short phrase of your goal and keep it in your pocket or place it on your wall for an extra dose of positive reinforcement.
- Be open to failures: If you do fail and sneak a cigarette, miss a walk, or cheat your Tuesday dinner don’t hate yourself for it. Make a note of the triggers that caused this set back and learn a lesson from them. If you know that alcohol makes you crave even more cigarettes and oversleep the next day cut back on it. Perseverance is the key to success. Try again, keep trying and you will succeed.
- Reward yourself for achievements: Small rewards are a great encouragement to keep you going during the hardest first days of your goals. After that, you can probably reward yourself once a week with a magazine, a long-distance call to a supportive friend, a trip to the movies, or whatever makes your soul shine.
Over to you:
You can achieve anything you set your mind on, so believe in yourself! Think like this way and you will pass on all the hurdles while achieving your goals. Try to follow the above-mentioned ways while setting up your new year’s goals in order to achieve success.