Anti-aging with Foods? Yes, It’s Possible
By Nmami Life Editorial 05-Jan 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Ever thought why and how our grandparents look so young? With the least sign of wrinkles, blemishes, dark circles or saggy skin, their skin still manages to glow and have that natural radiance. While the saying goes ‘You are what you eat’, it’s also true that your skin definitely reflects what you eat or what you have eaten in the past years of your life.
Here is a list of foods which can help you bring you closer to the goal of looking young:
Blend into a smoothie or add in salad, avocados are too easy to be a part of your diet. The rich content of Vitamin A in avocados can help us shed dead skin cells, leaving us with glowing skin. Their carotenoid content helps in blocking toxins and protects damage from the sun’s rays and also help to protect against skin cancers.
Cook them for dinner, roast them or boil and sprinkle them on your salad, sprouts due to the process of soaking and germination, adds the benefits of Vitamin C. The skin-friendly Vitamin A and folate prevents skin from damage from sun’s UV rays.
Loaded with water and Vitamin C, oranges keep your skin cells hydrated. Vitamin C helps in making collagen and retains the skin’s elasticity. Add oranges to your fruit salad or fruit smoothie and enjoy the goodness of its nutrients. The more colors you add to your fruit bowl, the more healthy it is.
Apply papaya mask on the face or add to your fruit plate. This superfood is rich in antioxidants and several vitamins. Papaya helps minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It contains an enzyme called papain which holds additional anti aging benefits.
Just have a handful of them as an evening snack or keep them at your office desk for untimely hunger panga, everything works well. Nuts like almonds, walnuts and others are a great source of Vitamin E which gives soft and supple skin and helps repair the skin tissue. Walnuts contain omega 3 fatty acids that retain moisture of the skin.
While everyone is rushing towards buying the expensive cosmetics for skincare and delaying aging, you can try out eating some healthy salad and including an adequate amount of water in your diet. Food might not avoid the lines under your eyes or may not let you look sweet 16 again but can definitely help you look five to ten years younger or can delay your aging process.