As per a Study “A Deep Sleep Help in Revamping the Fretful Brain”
By Nmami Life Editorial 31-Jul 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

When it is about dealing with anxiety disorders, William Shakespeare’s Macbeth proved it all right by quoting sleep as the “balm of hurt minds.” As per the new research from the University of California, Berkeley, “a night full of a deep and happy sleep soothes and creates a sense of tranquillity in emotions whereas a sleepless night can increase the levels of anxiety by 30%.”
UC Berkeley researchers have found that only deep sleep is appropriate to calm and reorganize the restless brain. Deep sleep also leads to non-rapid eye movement (NREM) – a state in which neural oscillations turn out to be extremely synchronized with the drop in the number of heart rates and blood pressure.
How did they experiment and what did they conclude?
The senior author of the study Matthew Walker said “We have identified a new function of deep sleep, one that decreases anxiety overnight by reorganizing connections in the brain.”
The lead author of the study said “a lack of sleep magnifies the levels of anxiety and vice-a-versa proper and deep sleep helps in lowering down the stress by leaving the mind calm and serene.”
The researchers scanned the brains of 18 young adults and when they looked at the functional MRI and polysomnography they found that those who slept a full night were more fresh and de-stressed as compared to those who were sleepless at night. The anxiety levels of both were measured via a questionnaire which is known as the state-trait anxiety inventory.
What happens with the brain with no sleep?
When the brain was scanned after a night of no sleep it showed a complete shutdown of the medial prefrontal cortex which helps in keeping the anxiety levels in check while the activeness in the brain’s deeper emotional centres was observed.
Without less and improper balance of sleep at night, the brain is too hefty on the emotional levels and it accelerates the pedal of emotive feelings in the mind which generally makes a person overthink by harming the peace of mind. Deep sleep is considered great for the brain’s prefrontal mechanism which further helps modify the emotions, drops emotional and physiological reactivity and keeps a check on anxiety.
Tips to promote deep sleeping
So, it’s proven true that happy and deep sleeping not only affects your mental health but also puts forth your physical health as well. There are various daytime habits and lifestyle choices that make you restless at night and can also make you sleepless at night. It not only affects your mood, brain and heart health, immune system, creativity, vitality, and weight and can also make you less active throughout the day. Here are some tips that assist you to enjoy better sleep at night and boost your health as well.
- Keep a check of your body’s natural sleep and wake cycle
- Control your exposure to light
- Exercise is a must
- Be choosy about what to eat and drink throughout the whole day
- Clear your head before going to bed
- Improve your bedroom environment
- Reduce unnecessary naps
It is no wrong to say that sleep plays an important role in making you fit, fine and healthier. It will give your mind a proper relaxation time and a good sleep can even de-stress you in no time. So, follow these steps and have a deep sleep and wake up with a clear and fresh mind.