Beat Holiday Blues with these Effective Tips
By Nmami Life Editorial 03-Jan 2020 Reading Time: 6 Mins

Christmas and New Year’s is a time for celebrations, parties, and get-togethers. However, for some people this festive environment can be overwhelming in many ways. ‘Holiday blues’ are common irrespective of the term being heard rarely. People can feel stressed during this season because of numerous reasons. You may not be able to make it home for the holidays, or you may be in a rough financial situation. If you’re going through a difficult time, it can be tough to see others in celebratory mode full of joy and excitement. Moreover, holiday season comes with challenging demands, from never-ending parties to family obligations. These events can contribute to higher levels of stress. Some other symptoms associated with holiday blues are
- Lethargic feeling
- Disinterest in traditions or things that used to bring joy
- Decreased concentration spans
- Unwilling attitude towards completing daily tasks such as making dinner and getting out of bed.
- Insomnia or sleeping too much
There are different reasons that holiday stressors can turn into the holiday blues. If you’re feeling down here are some ways to treat holiday blues.
When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that trigger a positive feeling in the body. Regular exercise has been proven to reduce stress, boost self-esteem, ward off anxiety, feelings of depression and improve sleep.
Get some sun
Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused. Try and spend atleast 15 minutes outside under the sun.
Spend time with family
Don’t underestimate the power of connecting with friends, family, mentors, and neighbors. Be it a simple phone call, having a chat over coffee, inviting them over for a dinner or writing a greeting card, or letter can brighten your mood.
Accept your feelings
Sometimes the hardest part of this season is thinking you should feel a certain way, even when you don’t. When friends or family ask how you’re doing, be honest so that they can understand your feelings. You never know who else might be feeling the same way. This will make you feel more connected to others.
Maintain a routine
Not making time for yourself can be emotionally draining. Maintain a regular routine and try to go to bed at a specific time each night. Adequate sleep is a very important factor in determining your mood and makes you feel energetic also.
You can also try to plan some fun events for yourself. Be it a solo trip or an adventurous activity, if you tend to feel lonely then this will serve as a great opportunity to boost up your holiday spirit.
Ask for help
If you feel like you’ve tried everything and nothing works then consider getting help from a professional. Seeking help from an expert like talking to a therapist will cater the issues better. Holiday blues can be a sign of already existing depression. Talk to people who show any symptoms and let them know that it is a treatable medical condition and not something to be ashamed of.
Over to you
Holiday blues is about staying “true to who you are” and doing what you like without any hesitation. It means recognizing and being grateful for all the little joys and moments of happiness in your life. Your goal every year should be to enjoy them for what they are rather than imagining what they should be.