Benefits and Adverse Effects of Binge Watching Your Favourite Web Series
By Nmami Life Editorial 18-Feb 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

With our favourite packets of snacks in one hand, lights off, and blankets by our side- we all heavily crushed on binge-watching our favourite web series. It is no wrong to say that we are all tempted to watch episodes after episodes in one sitting at some point in time. When it comes to binge-watching, many of us often don’t resist and end up paying the price for it the next morning. But did you know that binge-watching can negatively impact your health? Yes, this habit has some benefits as well but only if you can push back to your rushing excitements! So, give yourself a break and hold a cup of latte in your hand while reading both the benefits and adverse effects of binge-watching. Not to panic, as we jot down some of the tips as well so that you won’t harm your health!
Here are some benefits of binge-watching your favourite web series:
- Stress buster: The act of watching episodes after episodes give us a temporary escape from the day-to-day chaos and help us in managing our stress and anxiety. Binge-watching blocks our minds from thinking about the stressors and thus assists us in bidding adieu to our anxiety and worries. But make sure that you manage your time to ensure you won’t get any breakdowns.
- Enhanced productivity: As binge-watching helps in managing our stress and anxieties, it helps in making us fresher and active which further leads to enhanced productivity and high self-confidence. Always keep a tab on your limits to get the maximum benefits.
- Mood booster: By blocking our brain to think about the stressors and providing us pleasure by releasing the feel-good endorphins in the body, binge-watching can easily boost the mood and add big smiles, happiness and contentment in your way. Make sure to take care of the timing you are indulging yourself in this act as it can easily block your mind and make you addicted towards itself.
Here are some adverse effects of binge-watching your favourite web series
- Health complications: Just like excess of anything is harmful, similarly excessively indulging yourself in the act of binge-watching can easily hamper your health by cutting down your physical movements. Sitting in the same place for hours and consuming junkies can take you closer to various health ailments like obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol levels. The best solution for this is-snack on healthy items like nuts, seeds, roasted chana, granola bars and manage your time.
- More eye problems: Staring at the laptop, TV, or phone screens for long hours can easily hamper your eyesight and can also lead to eye dryness and irritation. Make sure to give yourself a break, wash your eyes, rest them, maintain a distance and adjust your lightings as per your room to avoid eye problems.
- Mental tiredness: Binge watching without any breaks can easily hamper your mental health and can restrict mental growth. Various studies said that binge-watching can also lead to depression. People cut ties with the outside world to binge watch and when it is over people feel empty which can lead to headaches, tiredness, anxiety and sometimes depression. Make sure to add some productive things in your lifestyle and rest your mind in order to cut the negative consequences. Restrict your time and watch only one episode in a day.
While you are on a binge-watching spree, make sure to set parameters for the time you are going to spend in one session to reap the good benefits instead of harmfully affecting your health and well-being.