Effective Home Remedies to Prevent Crusty & Sticky Eyes
By Nmami Life Editorial 04-Jun 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

When the eye discharge gets dry, it builds a crusty effect on the corners of the eye, eyelids or lashes which leads to crusty eyes. On the other hand, when this discharge remains wet, it forms a gluey effect in the eyes which is known as sticky eyes. Eye discharge in a certain amount is completely normal but if you are hitting by too much of discharge in the eyes, then it might be a sign of an eye infection.
There can be several reasons of crusty and sticky eyes like not blinking in the sleep, too much of water, itching and burning, long and continuous discharge, swelling and pain while using contact lenses. A person should consult a doctor if he is suffering from crusty and sticky eyes from a long period or:
- Great quantities of discharge in the eyes
- The hues of discharge are generally green, yellow, or white
- A person feels hard to open the eyes
- Redness, painful or swollen eyes from a long period
- Won’t be able to look clearly
Effective home remedies to prevent crusty and sticky eyes
- Wash off with a mild cleanser: A good eye health can prevent your eyes from crustiness and stickiness while lowering down the risk of various eye infections. Regular washing of the eyes by diluting a mild baby shampoo in water is a great way to go. Gently scrub this solution along your eyelashes for some seconds and then wash off. Don’t forget to clean or wash your hands properly before doing this. Eye washing helps in removing dirt and impurities from the eyes which is extremely important to keep the eye infections at bay.
- Warm cloth compression: This is one of the simplest and effective ways to prevent or to get rid of the sticky eyes. Take a soft cotton cloth, dip in some warm water and smoothly compress over the eyes for some time. This simple trick soothes the eyes with calmness and helps in eliminating any itching or irritation from the eyes. Also, if you are suffering from sticky eyes and won’t be able to open your eyes due to the huge eye discharge then this trick will definitely help you in untying the coating of crust from dried out mucus.
- Use saltwater: Salt or saline water is extremely beneficial in cleaning the eyes while reducing the risks of various types of infections. Saline water is antiseptic in nature and thereby its usage is a humble way to remove any dust, bacteria or infections from the eyes. All you have to do is take a pan and add some salt and water and then allow it to boil. Once done, let the solution to cool and wash off your eyes 2-3 times a day with it.
- Green Teabags: Green tea contains bioactive compounds which are known to provide anti-inflammatory properties. Using tea bags on eyes can calm and relax your eyes while lowering down the swelling and itchiness. All you have to do is take used tea bags and refrigerate them. Once done, close your eyes and put tea bags over it for 15-20 minutes. Wash your eyes with normal water afterwards.
Sticky and crusty eyes is usually not a matter of concern but if you are experiencing it from a longer period then seeking a doctor’s advice is a must as it can also lead to eye infections as well. Do follow the above-written tips to maintain eye hygiene and to prevent crusty and sticky eyes.