Health Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep
By Nmami Life Editorial 08-Jul 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Do you often suffer from crankiness and grumpiness when you are sleep deprived?
Poor quality of sleep at night can do a lot more than put you in a bad mood. Various studies suggest that a lack of sleep at night can affect your physical and mental health in numerous ways. It can make you feel stressed out while making you suffer from various health ailments.
A good night’s sleep is as important as eating and exercising. Unfortunately, high usage of gadgets, television, chaotic lifestyle and busy hours of working can disturb your sleeping pattern while decreasing your quality of sleep.
Here are some important reasons why your body needs a good quality of ZZZs.
- Proper sleep gives you a sharper brain: Poor quality of sleep affects your brain and mind and you will face troubles in remembering details. Various studies say that improper sleep has a great impact on the process of both learning and memorizing things. If you are sleep deprived your brain will get distracted and you won’t be able to focus and remember any kind of information. Also, you will get irritated and angry even on the tiniest of things. A good quality sleep makes your mind active and alert which helps in making you ready for what’s next.
- Proper sleep helps in boosting mood: One of the great things that sleep does is process your emotions. Various researches said that when you cut out your sleeping time your brain will not be able to think properly and you will suffer from negative emotions. A lack of sleep can make you feel annoyed by increasing your chance of a mood disorder.
- A good sleep adds up to the heart health: When you take a proper sleep not only your mind relaxes but also your body heals correctly. When you sleep, your blood pressure decreases while giving rest to your heart. The lesser the sleep, the longer your body stays up and it further creates health complications in your body.
- Good sleep helps in controlling weight: When you get a proper sleep you feel less hungry. Sleep deprivation can mess with your brain and hormones like leptin and ghrelin which plays a great role in controlling appetite. Sleep helps in controlling all of these which regulate your hunger and lower down your consumption of unhealthy foods. This is great in managing your weight and cutting the extra pounds.
How much you need
The need for sleep is different for a different person. 8 hours of sleep is considered good for the human body but it can vary depending upon the person. Various researches suggest that sleeping more than 9 hours a night can also be harmful to one’s health. It can build up the calcium in the heart arteries while making it less flexible.
On this World Sleep Day, take the pledge to fulfil the 8 hours of sleep every day. It will save you from various mental and health ailments. Good sleep therapy can also de-stress you in no time. So, what’s to follow?