Health Risks of Occasional Binge Drinking
By Nmami Life Editorial 18-Jan 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Enjoying beers and tequila shots occasionally may look like a not-so-destroyable activity but let us tell you that even a single session of binge drinking can do a lot to your health. No, we are not talking about the hangover! Binge drinking can also bring serious health effects and can also make you sick for a long period of time.
If you too do not worry much about your occasional drinking and see it as safe then we have some pointers for you. We have a list of some health risks that binge drinking brings along with it. So, read on and decide for yourself whether episodes of binge drinking are safe for your health or not!
Binge drinking has both short term and long term effects on health. Here’s a look at how alcohol is affecting you both in long terms and short terms.
Short term effects
Binge drinking comes with:
Heart problems: Heavy binge drinking on a single night can cause high blood pressure, panting, irregular heartbeat, or even heart failures.
Kidney problems: Everyone knows that long term consumption of alcohol can create many problems in the kidney of a human body but a short term consumption of alcohol can also cause damage to kidneys. It makes kidneys to produce more urine which can cause dehydration and low levels of sodium, potassium and other minerals and salts in the body.
Lungs: Alcohol has the ability to make a person sick by causing inflammations in the lungs. This can further create infection which is very dangerous for the body.
Pancreas: Even a single episode of heavy alcohol can lead to low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) which are very dangerous for the overall body.
Long term effects
Blood and the immune system: Binge drinking session can lower down the quality of your blood levels and can even cause you anemia, low platelets, and a crushed immune system and low levels of energy.
Bones and muscles: A heavy consumption of alcohol weakens up bones and also makes you suffer from less absorption of calcium which can deteriorate your bone formation and this stage can even lead to osteoporosis.
Brain and nervous system: Consumption of heavy alcohol can put your cognitive health at risk while depreciating your capabilities of thinking. It can also add up to your levels of stress, depression, anxiety, and psychosis.
Binge drinking is a very common thing among people nowadays. It can do a lot more than just a hangover. Above written are some of the common effects you may suffer from a session of binge drinking. So, if you haven’t thought of quitting it yet! Just give it a thought. Tell us about your quitting stories and what makes you quit drinking.