Don’t be a fool by treating these foods as superfood
By Nmami Agarwal 30-Mar 2023 Reading Time: 6 Mins

Many foods are being labeled as super foods these days. Right from different vegetables to grains and seeds.Â
What started out as one or two foods gaining the title of superfoods has now become a big list of superfoods with almost all types of food gaining entry into the popularity chart.
However there is no one food that can help you to stay healthy. It is the synergetic effect of all the food together that gives the necessary nutrition that our body requires.
Taking one particular food in excess just because it is in the superfood list may do more harm to our body than good.
On this April fools day, don’t get fooled by such a super food list. Research well, take the advice of a qualified dietitian who can suggest the proper quantity of that particular food to take.
Here’s a list of such super foods that can do more harm if not taken care –Â
- Almonds
Pros: Almonds have gained entry into the superfoods list and rightly so. It is rich in vitamin E, a good source of protein and fiber. Those who are vegan or are lactose intolerant, use almond milk to replace dairy in their diet. It is good for skin health, reducing bad cholesterol and to manage blood pressure.
Cons: Almonds are also high in fat. 10 almonds gives around 7g of fat and around 84 calories. So those who are looking to lose weight, may have to be careful in including almonds in their daily diet. Over intake of almonds can cause constipation and skin allergy in susceptible people.
Hence it is advisable to consume this super food in moderation.
- Green tea
Pros: Green tea is an excellent antioxidant due to the presence of polyphenols like catechins. It is known to aid in weight loss, good to manage blood pressure, lipid mobilization and improving immunity.
Cons: However many products that are coming out in the market have started using green tea extracts which is the more concentrated form of the green tea that we drink. Over a period of time, it can lead to excess and cause toxicity in our liver.Â
Hence it is advisable to take green tea in the form of powder or as tea bags diluted with water than its concentrated form.
- Pink salt
Pros: Pink salt or sea salt or himalayan salt has gained a lot of popularity of late, due to the presence of many micro minerals in it. They help in stimulating appetite and aid in digestion. The trace nutrients help to manage blood pressure, they are good for the heart, and work as antioxidants to fight inflammation in our body.
Cons: It is true that pink salt is a treasure trove of various minerals that our body requires. But the fact of the matter is, we need to consume a huge quantity of this salt to get the benefit of these minerals since they are present in very micro amounts.
Secondly, pink salt does not contain the required amount of iodine, an important mineral for brain development in infants and for thyroid gland in adults. To prevent diseases like neural tube defects, goiter etc, the government started fortifying table salt with iodine.
It is advisable to not replace our table salt with pink salt, it can lead to iodine deficiency and its related diseases. Best thing is to use table salt for cooking and pink salt for seasoning salads/dips or in beverages like buttermilk and so on.
Bottom line is, there is no single food that can keep you healthy or disease free. A balanced diet with whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables is the answer to a fit you. Super foods are indeed healthy but taking the right quantity and in the correct manner can help you enjoy these foods without having to compromise with your health.