Here are 5 Easy Remedies to Prevent Cold
By Nmami Life Editorial 07-Oct 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

As the weather is changing and chilled and ice-cold air is approaching us, it is extremely important to take care of the health while building the immunity in order to prevent cold, sore throat, cough and many other illnesses. While consuming a healthy and nutrient-rich diet can keep us in fine fettle and decrease the risk of various diseases, there are other natural ways and certain ingredients too that you should definitely incorporate in your diet to avoid the continuous sneezing, cold, painful throat, runny nose and heavy head. Here are some incredible home remedies that help you in keeping away from cold.
- The ginger concoction: There is nothing better than a warm ginger concoction to keep yourself warm and cosy. Ginger provides thousands of medicinal properties and contains a compound known as gingerol that has anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger keeps a tab on the sore throat and decrease the pain in mucous membrane while keeping you away from the cold and cough. Consuming a cup of ginger concoction daily not only keeps you warm and cosy but also helps in boosting your immunity. All you have to do is just grate some ginger and boil it in some water. Once done, strain in a cup and mix some lemon juice and honey in it for effective results.
- Hot steam: A hot steam can not only help in preventing cold and cough but also shine your face like nothing else. You can add tea tree oil for effective results. Hot steam twice a week is considered great to treat or to prevent cold and cough. Just boil some water, add some drops of oil in it and hold your face over the boiling water for 7-10 minutes (cover your head with a towel).
- Try the gargling: Gargling with some warm salt water is great to prevent or to treat cold and cough. It helps in opening up the nose and gives instant relief from the painful and irritating throat. If you are suffering from cold and cough, then do gargling after every few hours to get instant results. If you are trying to prevent cold and cough, then gargling once a day is good to go.
- Add Vitamin C rich foods in your diet: Foods that are rich in Vitamin C helps in boosting immunity and shield your body against virus and infections. Natural and high quantities of Vitamin C is found in foods like lemon, oranges, grapefruits, bell peppers, berries and adding these foods in your diet is extremely vital. You can consume hot lemon water daily for good results.
- The golden milk: The super spice turmeric provides various health benefits and contains anti-inflammatory properties that help in lowering down the inflammation in the throat while making you warm. Also, turmeric contains a compound known as curcumin that helps in boosting immunity which further decreases the risk of various illnesses. Consuming turmeric milk every day before sleeping helps in keeping you fit and fine. You can also add a pinch of black pepper and cardamom in it to enhance its nutritional profile.
Try these above-written easy remedies to prevent cold. Apart from this, try to add nutritious foods in your diet to keep yourself hale and hearty, get proper sleep and indulge yourself in physical activities to bid adieu to any health complications.