Here are some Skincare Tips that You Should Follow During this Weather Change
By Meghna Verma 01-Nov 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Waking up to flawless skin in this dry weather is everyone’s dream. Your skincare routine requires modification with the change in weather to keep the glow intact. Just like our inner body, the outer part of the body also needs extra care and attention. We do experience changes in skin conditions during weather change. Generally, our skin becomes dry and arid. The reasons for this may be, cold winds and ambient humidity, use of hot water, dry weather takes away the natural protective oils from our skin and during winters we feel less thirsty due to which intake of water reduces. Dry skin leads to an incidence of eczema and skin rashes, which is not good for people having diabetes and thyroid.
So to help you sift through the skincare clutter during this arid weather, we have shortlisted a few tips and tricks:
- Keep your skin moisturised:
- Use of Sunscreen is a must:
- Reduce Exfoliation:
- Use lukewarm water and mild soaps to bath:
- Healthy nutritious diet:
Most people experience dry skin, during weather change. So to avoid any itchiness and white lines on your skin, apply a generous amount of moisturizer on your skin. Use of Vitamin-C serum along with moisturizer is a good antioxidant to combat dry skin problems. Also, adequate water consumption is a good way to keep your skin hydrated. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin moist. To add a little twist to water, you can use floral waters made with steam distillation, like a rose. It helps you maintain the PH balance of your skin.
With a decrease in temperature, people tend to miss out on applying sunscreen. Sunscreen protects us from UV rays. While in winters, there are fewer UV rays but there is a significant reflection of these rays which can cause sunburns. Hence, it is crucial for everyone to apply sunscreen after the layer of moisturizer.
Exfoliating skin with hard scrubs during weather change can lead to dryness. Hence it is not healthy for your skin to use scrubs. But as exfoliating is necessary for skincare, use of gentle peels is recommended. Orange peel mixed with quinoa husk extract is the ultimate solution for dry weather exfoliator. It is gentle and safe for acne-prone skin.
A hot water bath during weather change can lead to dry and parched skin as it takes away the natural oils from the outer membrane. So, bathing with lukewarm water is healthy during this time of the year. Harsh soaps have more chemicals, which makes your skin rough. Use of mild soaps leads to healthy and glowing skin. In case your skin is very dry, skip the use of soap. Instead use homemade ubtans, which will ensure moist and healthy skin.
We should never neglect a healthy nutritious diet. Opt for seasonal fruits like orange, pears, pineapples etc, and vegetables like, spinach, coriander, carrots, tomatoes etc. A nutrition filled diet always enhance flawless skin and keeps the glow intact.
Over to you:
With all the above tips and tricks, many people are allergic to woollen clothing. So ensure that you wear cotton clothes under woollens, this will not make woollen clothes directly meet your skin, which will keep dewiness on your skin. Along with it choose products according to your skin type. Use these tips and keep dry skin troubles away!