Lifestyle Disease Guide – Osteoporosis
By Nmami Life Editorial 12-Sep 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Are you someone who runs away from milk or is allergic to other dairy products? Guess, your mom was right when she said that milk is necessary for strong bones and teeth due to the rich amount of calcium present in it. A lack of calcium in the body can cause Osteoporosis, majorly observed in women. It refers to the condition of the porous bone. Reduced quality and density of bones is the major cause of this disease. The body becomes more prone to fractures and hence show a delay in healing. The most common fractures are fractures in the hip, wrist or spine is commonly seen during this disease.
Osteoporosis is also common in males as a study in Delhi estimated the prevalence of osteoporosis as 24.6% in men and 42.5% in women above 50 years of age.
Worldwide, it is estimated that 1 in 3 women above the age of 50 will experience osteoporotic fractures, as well as 1 in 5 men. India with a population of 1.2 billion people is the second most populated country in the world with approximately 10% of the population (more than 100 million) over 50 years of age. In 2013, sources estimate that 50 million people in India are either osteoporotic (T-score lower than-2.5) or have low bone mass (T-score between-1.0 and-2.5). Studies also show that osteoporosis and osteopenia or low bone mass may occur at a relatively younger age in the Indian population. Here’s a list of some nutrients to be added to your diet that helps you combat osteoporosis!
- Calcium is the key: Calcium is the base of strong bones. 1000 milligrams of calcium intake every day promotes better bone health. Add dairy products, green veggies, eggs and almonds to your diet to strengthen the bones.
- Vitamin D goes hand in hand with Calcium: Soak in some sunshine in the morning hours. Pair up your exercises with a walk. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium while maintaining bone health. Vitamin D can be found in fortified dairy products, egg yolks, cereals and fatty fishes like salmon and tuna.
- Estrogen matters too: yes, you heard that right! Estrogen plays an important role in bone growth. Estrogen has direct effects on bone cells and its deficiency can easily cause bone loss. Flax seeds, soy, dry fruits and many other nuts are good sources of getting estrogen.
Over to you
Maintaining good bone density and mineral balance is an important task. The (Recommended Dietary Allowance) RDA levels should be met by every individual. Make sure to include enough Calcium, Vitamin D, K and omega 3 fatty acids to provide all the required nutrients for healthy bones and joints!