Live Longer, Live Healthy- Focus on Holistic Health Management with These Tips
By Nmami Agarwal 07-Apr 2022 Reading Time: 6 Mins

Health means well-being – emotionally, spiritually, physically, internally, and externally. Many of us only take it as physical well-being or the absence of any diseases. We often fail to look after all the perspectives and merely focus on our nutrition and food. But that alone is not a sustainable choice.
Holistic health means the overall well-being of an individual- body, mind, and spirit. It is not only limited to good nutrition or good exercise but everything which makes up our lifestyle. Sleep, skincare, peace of mind, positive relationships, oral hygiene, mental and physical well-being – all come under good health. We must take into account other aspects also, to be holistically healthy and live longer.
Here Are Some Holistic Health Management Tips for Longer, And Healthier Life:
- Sleep On Time – Sleep is very crucial for our skin, hair, and body. Its the time where our body relaxes and restores. And it has fixed the timings too. 10 PM to 2 AM is the time where the body is producing hormones to restore its cells. If you miss it, you are going to miss that perfect skin glow, a good gut, healthy hair, and body. With the timing, it is also important to sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours.
Keep your phone or electronic gadgets away at least an hour before, and have that good night’s beauty sleep. If you find difficulty in sleeping that early, try and sleep 15 minutes before your usual time every day. You can also try meditating, doing some relaxing stretches, or reading a book to help you fall asleep faster. - Have A Good Breakfast – Breakfast is the first meal and it is said that you should have breakfast like a king. But people often think skipping breakfast can make them lose weight. In fact, skipping any meal can make their gut irritant and prone to acidity. Other than anything, food provides energy and without energy in the morning, your day would just become very dull and lethargic. It should be wholesome and filling. Include some fresh fruits, some probiotics like banana, yogurt, some protein like nuts, besan chila, with a glass of milk.
- Don’t Overeat – We often think about portion sizes, but always end up eating too little or too much. According to the Japanese Secret, it is important that the stomach should be 30% empty for optimal digestion, less lethargy, and full energy. Don’t stuff yourself with your favorite food, claiming it to be healthy, or even if you are having a cheat day. Stop when you feel full and reach satiety.
- Befriend Your Mental Health – Practice gratitude, do self-care, don’t compare yourself with the world, meditate, if in need see a therapist – Is that too much to ask for? Have you ever asked your body how it feels when you just keep lying on the bed, binging a show, and eating only junk after junk? I’m sure your body must be going through a lot. It is firstly stressed and then you are subjecting it to more stress. So next time instead of binging, try mediating, slow and deep breathing, and positive self-talk. This will give you a healthier body and mind.
- Exercise- Every other person has already stressed much upon this topic. Don’t straight away go and start doing weights and jogs. Start with light movement, walks, and your favorite exercise. But movement is important for a longer and healthier life. Exercise also promotes good digestion, happy hormones, and a stronger body. It just makes your body, mind, and heart happy.
A good lifestyle change is all you need for holistic health. So, look after every aspect of health and make it a lifestyle.