Lockdown Effect – Know about How Binge Watching Affects Your Health?
By Nmami Life Editorial 25-May 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

With living in the era of streaming everything has changed about the way people view television. You no longer have to wait for a new episode of your favourite show because many entertainment companies are releasing entire seasons and series of shows at once. This has leads to a new concept called binge-watching.
Binge-watching the act of streaming many television episodes in one sitting is becoming more and more common with all the streaming options available to consumers, including Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Video, among others. One can go through these services on your television or on another electronic device, such as a laptop, tablet, or cell phone.
But, is binge-watching good for you? So, your curl up for your next binge here are the health risks you need to know about associated with binge-watching.
- Disturbs Sleep – Few things impact our overall health like sleep, and binge-watching can be a significant disruptor to it. Sleep plays an important role in your mental and physical health and your quality of life and therefore, binge watching doesn’t allow the brain to shut itself down that leads to sleep depression which further hampers everything from your memory to the immune system.
- Leads to Unhealthy Diet – It is no secret that binge-watching is often accompanied by binge-snacking and not always of the healthiest variety. The more one is watching the less time you have to prepare healthy meals, and hence more likely to open a bag of chips than to roast some vegetables in the oven. Which also means not paying attention to the portion.
- Makes less Physically Active – The biggest single problem with binge-watching is that it has a high opportunity cost. Considering, every hour you spend watching TV is an hour you’re not spending doing something else, not even moving. This affects both your mental and physical health. Too much sitting–and snacking–increases your risk of obesity.
- Leads to anxiety, depression and loneliness –Binge-watching is the perfect way to unwind and disconnect from the world whenever you need a break, but binge-watching is a different ball game altogether. One is more likely to forgo the chance to socialise in person in your free time, and instead, binge-watch without limit, thereby leading to depression and loneliness.
- Affects Eye Health – Our elders have always warned us to limit our screen time. Ince, too much screen time may make them sore and dry, and give you blurry visions. It is among the most obvious ill effects of continuous watching, yes, binge-watching leads to poor eyesight, which in turns causes added stress and fatigue.
Well, now that you are aware of the effects of binge watching, we are ready to tackle the age-old question “How much is too much?”