New Year Eve- Let the Worst of the Year go and Prepare for New Beginnings
By Nmami Life Editorial 31-Dec 2020 Reading Time: 9 Mins

“New” itself is such an elated word. It carries with itself the pleasant odour of the excitement and enthusiasm of receiving, buying, or welcoming new things. Whether it is a new home, a new pet or merely a new dress for ourselves, the state of contentment often seems identical. The feeling remains as it is when we welcome a new member to our family and so is what also happens every New Year’s Eve, when no matter how good or how bad the year was for us, we end it on a good note by reducing negative apprehensions to negligible levels and spending the eve with utmost optimism and glee.
Although we cannot show disagreement to whatever said (because all of us at least try to end every year on a good note), doing that this year would be especially toilsome. We went with so much this year, how can it be easy for anyone to let go of the strains 2020 has left on our hearts and our minds.
From the Australian Bushfire, to the locust swarms hitting agricultural fields, from the natural disasters to the Beirut explosion and above all, CoVID-19, probably the worst of what people alive around the globe have ever seen, nothing left our hearts any less than wrenched.
Nevertheless, CoVID-19 was not just a pandemic disease that affected people’s health and lives, it affected businesses, economies, lifestyles, habits, rituals, cliches, people, the environment and the list continues. Almost nothing remained the same after the outbreak of CoVID-19.
When a lot of counties went under a lockdown, they were not actually ready for a lockdown, not even technologically.Firms unexpectedly started finding their employees to be of no use for them because work from home was not working well for everyone, some were challenged technologically, some mentally and some were having problems in coping up with the situation and the firms were not optimally generating what they only run for profits.
Economies that were already struggling due to the global slowdown, went worse and more than the economies of countries, its people were affected. Many families had no income as long as the lockdown continued, and had to run on their lifelong savings. There were even families who had to unwillingly become dependent on the help provided by different NGOs for they had no income at that time and their savings couldn’t help them for long periods.
People lost their loved ones even when health-wise, they were doing well & were taking all the precautions and then, it became evident that the disease started spreading in the most unprecedented & the most uncommon ways. People couldn’t even perform the rituals of cremation, funeral & burial of their loved ones. Most of us did not even get a chance to see our closed ones one last time, due to the lockdown and the disease.
The year in which mental health & mental well-being finally gained its long-due importance, it was already quite late for we had lost so many closed ones for so many different reasons. Nevertheless, it is a very natural & common thing that we are hit by the demise of people we are close to, but this year, these hit us way too worse than usual times. Maybe it was because we heard so many people known to us breathing their last or maybe because the pandemic had hit our mental being so bad that we couldn’t see losing people by our side.
It is so much that we have seen & faced this year & it would not be easy to end the year on a good note, with optimism & most importantly, happily. But after all of what we have survived this year, let us all make this one day, 31/12/2020, our happiest day of 2020, the year which almost no one would include in their “best years of life”.
Let us all optimistically dwell on all the impending events that would happen this year and let 2021 be the year which all of us welcome with the highest degree of ecstasies and hope.
Let us all wish to spend 2021 in a way & doing things that would not hinder our hopes and our ambitions and at the same time, growing personally.
Procrastination, not following our conscience, underestimating ourselves and our ideas, tardiness, inattentiveness, short temper, cold-hearted, etc. are such habits that might cost us things ranging from friends leaving our side to getting fired from our jobs. What I want to say is growing personally is a thing and we should give it a good amount of importance because personal growth is what is going to prove beneficial for us when we are low and when we grow personally, more & more people start loving us and our company. Also, what better way to welcome a new year than focusing on ourselves?
Over to you:
There is a famous quote that reads “Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.”
The way 2020 has been for all of us, we all have now learnt how unpredictable life is and that life would not always go as we want it to. It’s high time we imply these life lessons and start living each day with our utmost presence in the present while persevering to do our bit for achieving our long term goals. We all now know that it is better to do the things we want to and say what is within us rather than regretting not doing it or not saying on a later date and not to forget the importance of being empathetic. Showing empathy is the kindest thing we can do, when would we start always being empathetic? Self-love and self-care are often talked about. When we all know regrets often affect us, when would we start counting doing/saying things we want to as self-love and self-care? If we don’t start doing these already when would we?
The year of hope, 2021, is the answer.
Wish you all a very happy, hopeful & optimistic new year!