Nmami Life App- Customized Lactation Nutrition with a Touch of Care
By Nmami Life Editorial 19-Jun 2020 Reading Time: 6 Mins

After the beautiful and tiresome journey of pregnancy, a mother enters another crucial stage-that is lactation. Breastfeeding is the most essential part of the lactation period and requires a lot of nutrients. It is important that your diet supplies the right nutrients you need during breastfeeding, such as protein, calcium, iron, and vitamins. The post-partum period of the mother requires her to have a nutrient-dense diet for her and her baby’s wellbeing.
Why do lactating mothers require a personalized diet plan?
Lactation raises nutrient needs, mainly because of the loss of nutrients, first through colostrum and then through breast milk.
Many women become conscious and try to lose weight immediately after pregnancy which can cause an impact on the lactation of the baby. The mother should consume a well-balanced diet full of colourful fruits and veggies with enough carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats. Some of the women avoid eating much or completely avoid eating fat sources to get rid of the extra fat which they gained during pregnancy but that’s a wrong practice.
A steady weight loss back to your pre-pregnant weight should be the goal, rather than rapid weight loss and that can be achieved by following a wholesome, well-nourished diet. You might think that now you may not be eating for two but the energy needs are still high for the body during the lactation period as well as you are breastfeeding the baby.
To have good nutritional status the breastfeeding woman has to increase nutrient intake and improve the quality of food. The nutritional stores of a lactating woman may be more or less depleted as a result of the pregnancy and the loss of blood during childbirth and so requires good attention towards her nutritional needs.
While breastfeeding, it is best to lose the extra weight gradually, using healthy eating principles and adding in some extra exercise and not hurriedly. A loss of up to about half a kilo per week is considered safe for breastfeeding mothers. We recommend avoiding falling for crash or fad diets, where you lose weight quickly, either during pregnancy or breastfeeding. These diets don’t have a good balance of important nutrients needed for both you and your baby.
Your baby during the initial phase of lactation completely depends on the nourishment that is being drawn from your mammary glands. Your body can recover fast if you replenish it with a good dose of nutrients and so it is very crucial for you to maintain on to your diet for two reasons-
- You are still recovering from your pregnancy procedures, medications, or surgeries if any. There are loads of hormonal fluctuations still going on in your body too.
- Whatever you consume during the phase of lactation, passes down to your toddler through the feed.
A common problem that is generally faced by new mothers is the lack of milk production. There are some functional foods termed as “galactagogues” that naturally enhance the production of milk in your mammary glands, which in turn provides the new-born with ample nutrients, antibodies, and nourishment.
Reach us to design your lactation meal plans in such a manner that the maternal and toddler health is boosted to the maximum.
Over to you
We, at Nmami Life, are working continuously to provide the best of our services and to keep you healthy and fit. A healthy mom can raise a healthy baby and we are here to take care of all your nutritional needs. Good nutrition is essential for both- the baby and the mom as it keeps them away from all the chances of developing illnesses, builds stronger immunity, and further develops them into an individual having a positive outlook towards life.
To avail our services, view our plan for lactating mothers at https://www.nmamilife.com/ to have a healthier athletic body.
Remember, your food choices affect your health and can make you stay fit in the long run so “Eat Today for Tomorrow.”
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