Nmami Life App- What Aspects of your Personal & Medical History Taken into Account
By Nmami Life Editorial 10-Jun 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

A precise and effective diet plan can be designed when we know about the person’s past medical history. Improvements in diet can only be brought when we know about person’s nutritional status and other minor details like eating habits, likes, dislikes, preferences.
A person’s nutritional status can be evaluated by using and integrating information obtained from a previous medical history, family history and a social history. Many complaints such as fatigue, headaches, and digestive disturbances can be improved by bringing simple changes in diet and dietary counselling works well if the patient’s history or medical conditions are known to the dietitian. Nutrition also plays a pivotal role in prevention. This is the reason why nutritional assessment becomes especially important which includes many aspects such as:
- Age of the person
- Recent loss of 10% or more of usual body weight
- Regular exercise regime and/or sedentary lifestyle
- Alcoholism or intake of drugs such as steroids, immunosuppressants
- Recent Infection, protracted fever, or previous trauma episode
- Any malabsorption syndromes, draining abscesses, renal dialysis
- Receiving simple intravenous solutions without oral intake for >10 days
While taking case history, we have three major categories namely:
- Basic Information:
This further includes
- Name of the person,
- Email Id,
- Contact number,
- Gender,
- Height,
- Weight,
- Date of birth,
- Name of the country and city.
Medical History
If you are taking any medication,
- Blood group,
- Physical activity (Little light exercise, moderate, heavy or sedentary),
- If you are pregnant or breast feeding,
- Is your menstrual history regular or irregular,
- Do you suffer from any disease or comorbidities like diabetes, hypertension, PCOD or others and
- If there are any reports to be uploaded, we provide the option to upload them conveniently.
Food Preferences
- Preference of diet (Vegetarian, Non vegetarian, Vegan, Eggitarian, Pescetarin)
- Eating out frequency- How often do you eat outside? (Eg: 2 times per week or 3 times per month)
- Smoking frequency- How often do you smoke? (5 per month or 2 per day)
- Alcohol Frequency- How often do you consume alcohol? (2 times per year or 3 times per week)
- You can add list of food items that you love
- You can add list of food items that you hate
- Any days of the week when you fast?
- You can choose if you have any preferable cuisines?
- You can choose if you have any allergies?
- Specifications of other details or about allergies
Over to you
We, at Nmami Life are working continuously to provide best of our services and to keep you healthy and fit. A fitter you keeps you away from all the chronic illnesses and helps you have a positive outlook towards life.
To avail our services, view our weight management programs at https://www.nmamilife.com/ where you can reach your fitness goal through a personalised diet plan.
Remember, your food choices affect your health and can make you stay fit in long run so “Eat Today for Tomorrow.”
Download the app now:
iOS — http://bit.ly/nmamiios
Android — http://bit.ly/nmamiapp