Nmami Life App- Your Guide to Perfect Pre-Natal Nutrition Planning
By Nmami Life Editorial 18-Jun 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

There is nothing that can match the feeling of movement of life inside you. Pregnancy is the stage of life that requires proper care and nourishment. A well-balanced diet helps in nourishing the baby and mother while reducing the risks of various health complications. While taking gradual steps towards pregnancy, the importance of nutrition planning becomes vital and plays an important role in making your journey more beautiful and healthy.
Importance of nutrition
Planning a diet filled with nutrition during pregnancy is linked with various benefits like enhancing the development of the fetal brain, maintaining an ideal birth weight while reducing the risk of other various complications while giving birth to the baby. Not only this, but it also reduces the risks of various other painful and unfriendly symptoms during pregnancy like tiredness, weakness, morning sickness, pains and discomforts.
Virtuous nutrition is not only linked with healthy birth-giving but it also aids in enhancing mood, eases out the various distress and helps in maintaining a healthy delivery.
We know that the elementary ideologies of a healthy diet remain same but we safeguard you from omitting even a single micronutrient from your diet and enrich your body with optimum nutrition.
The definite must-haves to make your pregnancy happy and healthy are- protein, carbs, fats, Vitamins and minerals, iron, and calcium. We help you in organising these nutrients on your plate so that you can get the best of every nutrient with the amalgamation of maximum health benefits for you and your little one, during and beyond pregnancy.
We, at Nmami life help in providing you customised meal plans during all the three trimesters of the pregnancy.
How we do it?
We understand the importance of nutrition during this crucial phase of your life and assists in formulating a decent diet plan that helps in nurturing you and your special one. We emphasis on your health and wellness by taking special care of your nutritional requirement in all the three trimesters which further help in making your special journey even more special. From macro to micronutrients we focus on every nutrient that is required by your body during the pregnancy and create a customised meal plan by keeping in view- the food you prefer and paying attention to health complication if any.
We know that whatever you eat or drink directly adds up to your baby’s health. Fulfilling the nutritional needs during pregnancy helps in:
- Maintaining an ideal and healthy weight of your little one
- Gives you an optimistic outlook
- Makes you happy, joyous and contented
- Keeps the birth defects at bay
- Fuels you up with energy levels
- Saves you from any kind of sickness during pregnancy
The pregnancy nutrition plan we provide assists you in a smooth, healthy and happy journey through all three trimesters of your pregnancy.
Proper nourishment and choosing the nutrient-dense food staples is a basic necessity during prenatal care. Not only it enhances the health of your child but it also keeps you in fine fettle even after the pregnancy.
We, at Nmami Life, help in providing you a perfect prenatal diet plan as per your body’s requirement. Do visit our website www.nmamilife.com for all the latest health-related information and check out our latest app to get customised diet plans.
To avail our services,
Download the app now:
iOS — http://bit.ly/nmamiios
Android — http://bit.ly/nmamiapp