Planning a Winter Holiday? Here are 5 Tips to do it in a right way
By Nmami Agarwal 28-Dec 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

The long-awaited season is finally here! It’s a season full of warmth and love, characterized by eating a lot of sumptuous desserts and meals, mingling with crowds, indulging in numerous drinking parties, spending time with loved ones, among many other favourite activities. Most of us are so engrossed in the holiday’s excitement that we forget our health. Moreover, the same activities that make the holidays fun also tend to affect our health if not done in the right way.
So how do you ensure you stay happy and healthy during this winter holiday? Read below to know health tips to plan your winter holidays in a hale and hearty way!
- Limit Your Food Intake: Holidays and food go hand in hand. However, excess food consumption can lead to digestion problems and some of these problems include gastroesophageal reflux and indigestion. You can easily avoid these problems by moderating your food intake concerning your health. You can also make better eating choices this holiday by eating healthier food items instead of overeating junk foods like sauces, desserts, appetizers, etc. Also, drink plenty of water to help with digestion.
- Stay active: This winter holiday, you can engage in fun activities with your family to remain active. Even though you don’t have the needed resources but this is not an excuse for not working out. Simple exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups can work magic for you. You might be tempted to use your working out efforts as an excuse to eating more while on a holiday. Don’t try this as it will ruin your efforts, so eat wisely!
- Too much alcohol- A big NO! On most occasions, we end up consuming excess alcohol just being in the fun element. However, it is worth noting that too much alcohol consumption, even if it is once in a while, can have dire consequences on your health. Well, do you remember the last hangover you had while on a holiday? Drink responsibly this time to avoid that hangover! Ensure you stick to the recommended alcohol consumption for health concerns.
- Go for complex carbs rather than simple: Simple carbs can increase your insulin levels and lead to excess pounds. So, seek complex carbohydrates, also known as good or complex carbs, during the holidays. These are a great source of fibre which is vital for maintaining healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels, as well as aiding with regular bowel movements. Complex carbohydrates you can include are whole-grain pastas and breads, brown rice, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
- Don’t skip your meals: If you’re going for a winter holiday, don’t make the mistake of skipping breakfast or lunch. Although it seems like a great idea to ‘save’ some calories for later but not eating a healthy breakfast or lunch may lead to overeating later in the day. Make wise food choices and never skip any meal while on a holiday.
Over to you:
Holidays are so much fun, be it winter or summer, right? While you are planning your holiday this season, ensure to keep above-mentioned health related tips in mind to keep yourself happy and healthy. Have a great holiday!