The Effect of Kindness on Your Overall Health & Well-Being
By Nmami Agarwal 19-Aug 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

It is said that “treat others the way you want to be treated.” Kindness and empathy not only build positive relationships but it can also add up to your overall health and well-being. Kindness is extremely beneficial for the health and it can make you positive and energetic while increasing your lifespan. Various studies support that kindness is truly advantageous for the health and it can provide you with maximum satisfaction with increased productivity and big smiles. It just requires the baby steps to make a big difference. On this World Humanitarian day, take a pledge to invest in kindness to make yourself affirmative, contented with a great boost in overall health and well-being.
Here are some benefits that kindness can add to your health.
- It helps in enhances feel-good hormones: Doing something for another makes you feel happy and joyful! Isn’t it? This happens because the pleasure centre inside your brain enhances. Showing kindness on others enhances your serotonin levels and feel-good endorphins which keeps you happy and cheerful all day long. When you are in a happy mood, you can easily make your day productive with big smiles on your face.
- Soothe anxiety: Though there are many methods to treat anxiety, kindness is one of the easy and inexpensive ways to lessen anxiety levels. Kindness significantly enhances joy, vigilance and affirmative mood and that is how it helps in reducing the anxiety. A minor gesture of compassion can hit you at extreme happiness and can reduce nervousness, fretfulness and concerns.
- Reduce stress levels: Due to the busy lives and chaotic schedules, we always in a hurry to find the easy ways to diminish our stress levels. But not anymore! The most inexpensive and easy way of kindness can distract your mind from the stressors and give you optimistic vibes like no other. Not only this, but it also boosts your feel-good endorphins which is quite helpful in making you happy and contented.
- Adds up to your energy levels: Kindness is an act that boosts your happy hormones and that way it helps in soothing you, settling your worries and adds up to your enthusiasm and energy. When you help people, it makes you strong and improves your mood and temper which fuels up your energy levels and adds smirks on your and other’s face too.
Kindness can be shown in any way. Be it providing food to the needy or making a cuppa of coffee for your colleagues- there are several ways to show kindness. Take baby steps forward each day to feel good.