Ultimate Wedding Countdown- 5 Infused Water Recipes for that Perfect Glow
By Nmami Life Editorial 10-Oct 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Dehydration cannot only wreak havoc your health but it also takes away the glow from your skin. No matter what skin treatments you take, what products you use- if you are not consuming the proper dose of H2O, you will never get that perfect glow on your D-Day. Brides-to-be take proper care of their beauty regime but they often forget about the magic potion that can do wonders to their skin and hair and that is water. Replacing those sugary and dull and plain water from the infused water not only adds a unique flavour to your water but can also enhance beauty-boosting properties of it. Here are 5 infused delicious water recipes that help you in boosting your glow while giving your body a perfect detox before your wedding.
- Cucumber and minty mix: Cucumber is good for the skin health and due to the high water content present in it, it keeps your body and skin properly nourished and hydrated. Cucumber is filled with essential nutrients like Vitamin K, copper, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium that not only rejuvenate you but also detoxify your body like nothing else. All you have to do is take some slices of cucumber and some leaves of mint and add it in your bottle or water glass. Keep it in the fridge for some time and sip the whole day.
- Strawberry, mint and lemon: Strawberries are packed with essential Vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and is a versatile choice to boost your skin health. On the other hand, mint provides anti-bacterial properties that can protect your skin from various woes. The Vitamin C rich lemons are the great detoxifier for the body. All you have to do is chop some slices of strawberry, thin slices of lemon, some mint leaves and mix it in some water. Keep it for some time in the fridge. Sip and enjoy!
- Ginger and lemon: Ginger is one of the great ingredients to detoxify your body. The antibacterial properties found in ginger can save your skin from any woes while treating inflammation in the body. All you have to do is peel some ginger and slice it thinly. Add some of the thinly sliced ginger and lemon in water and rest it up for some time.
- Watermelon and basil: Watermelon helps in the proper circulation of the blood and also helps in lowering down the high blood pressure. The high water content in it makes a humble fruit to consume for your skin and hydration. On the other hand, basil can flush out the toxins from your body while refreshing you. All you have to do is take some thinly sliced watermelon and some leaves of basil and add it in your bottle. Rest this water for some time in the fridge and sip.
- Berries and pomegranate: Fruits are always a good choice for both your health and skin. Fruits contain antioxidants and various other essential nutrients that can give a perfect detox to your body while refuelling your energy levels. Take a spoonful of berries and pomegranate seeds and mix it in chilled water. Stir well and sip.
Get your water and glow on track by trying these above-written infused water recipes. These super healthy water recipes not only keep you refreshed and hydrated but also help you in bidding adieu to your skin woes.