5 Post Wedding Diet Tips
By Nmami Agarwal 26-Feb 2023 Reading Time: 4 Mins

You’ve gotten married in a beautiful setting, have fit into your dream lehenga, glowed and looked radiant, it is now time for you to carry this glow on. What most brides and recent brides don’t understand is that they have followed a diet, maybe, a crash diet that helped them stay in shape to get into their outfits. After the wedding, you may be at the risk of what is called the honeymoon holdover effect. It is proven with research showing that newlyweds stand to gain weight at a much faster speed than others.
Why is this so?
- One because you worked extra hard to fit into your wedding dresses. You dieted, you worked out, you were eating healthy, sleeping on time.
- Post wedding you tend to eat meals with your partner, you tend to concentrate more on being happy and full. You move less, this also slows down your metabolism.
How to lose weight ‘gain’?
Well, the first step is to chalk out a health plan. Decide on what and how much we can do.
- It should entail a doable workout schedule, romantic walks can become fast paced and become health walks as well.
- Dance, aerobics, yoga are all good forms of exercise
- Follow a healthy diet pattern.
5 Post wedding diet tips are
- Avoid any beverages or drinks that have added sugar or preservatives. Go natural, go healthy. Some amount of alcohol is fine, don’t use carbonated drinks with it. Have natural drinks like coconut water, sugarcane juice amongst others to keep yourself hydrated and bloating at bay.
- Eat small meals and eat often. Being hungry doesn’t mean you are burning calories. It just means when you have the next meal you will end up overeating and not eating well. Therefore, eat short frequent meals to help the metabolism as well as portion control.
- Avoid anything that is processed. Eat out, binge but avoid processed foods. Or any food that has artificial coloring. So avoid maida, sugar, packed snacks etc. Eat fresh every time you eat.
- Include a lot of fruits, vegetables and fiber in your meals. This will help avoid any water retention and nourish you from inside.
- The golden rule- walk for 15 minutes after every meal. This helps digest the food faster, doesn’t spike blood sugar levels, and doesn’t make the body store food as fat.
Following these tips might help you keep your wedding shape.