Unclog Your Pores Naturally with these Home Remedies
By Nmami Life Editorial 24-Feb 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Our skin has plenty of pores and clogged skin pores do not look attractive on the skin. The pores help the skin to breathe while making it radiant and shiny. Clogged pores are a result of dead skin cells and low oxygen flow which further can cause blackheads and whiteheads. Due to this, your skin can look dull and aged.
Excessive sebum production is one of the great causes for open pores and this generally happens to oily skin people. Open pores can cause breakouts of the skin. If you too have enlarged pores, do not worry because today we have got you covered. Here are some quick and effective home remedies that will unclog the pores and make your skin look happy and healthy. Follow these effective ways and clear your pores to not let the bacteria to penetrate inside.
- Aloe Vera gel: Appling aloe Vera gel on the face helps in minimizing the large pores. This gel nourishes the skin and unclogs the pores while removing all the dirt and grime from it. Apply some fresh aloe Vera gel on your face and pores and gently massage in a circular motion for a minute. Let it sit for ten minutes on your skin and then rinse with running water. Apply this gel regularly to unclog your pores.
- Cucumber Mask: The cucumber mask not only helps to enhance the skin texture but also makes it radiant by unclogging the clogged pores. Cucumber slows down the skin ageing, soothes and nourishes your skin, makes your skin look youthful and glowing. All you have to take four to five cucumber slices and two tablespoons of lemon and blend it well to make a juice out of it. Gently apply this mask all over your face and leave it for about fifteen minutes. Rinse with normal water. For better results apply this mask at least twice or thrice a week.
- Eggs: Eggs are excellent for treating the clog pores. Eggs tighten and tone all your skin while unclogging the enlarged pores. Take one egg white and two tablespoons of lemon juice and equal quantities of oatmeal. Blend all the ingredients well to make an even paste. Gently apply the paste on all over your face and leave it for at least thirty minutes. Then rinse it with normal water. Apply this paste twice a week.
- Sugar scrub: Sugar works as an excellent exfoliator for your skin. It removes away all the impurities from pores thus making it clean and clear to breathe. Take one tablespoon of sugar, one tablespoon of honey and lemon juice and mix well in a bowl. Gently massage the scrub on your pores and overall face for three to five minutes and then rinse up with warm water.
Add these natural masks to clean your pores and apart from this, exercising and a healthy diet can also help in making your pores and skin healthy.