2020 Wrap Up- Top Health Trends
By Nmami Agarwal 22-Dec 2021 Reading Time: 6 Mins

Before wrapping up 2021 and welcoming New Year, here is a glimpse of a few health trends articles which were worth giving a read. Awareness is better than ignorance. There are few health trends which are trending in 2021 and it is significant to bust if there are any myths related to these trends. 2019 brought trends and fad diets with it but worry not, we’re there for you because a better, more sensible new you is waiting in 2021. Here’s a wrap up of the best and top health trends of 2019.
Flavoured synthetic drinks
Synthetic drinks are readily available options in parties and movies and you may fall prey to empty calories. A healthy alternative is fewer overloads of calories and can be your saviour. Few facts have been shared on this piece of article to make you aware about it.
Refer this link for more information:
Make way for turmeric for its anti-cancer effects
October was breast cancer awareness month, and we discussed turmeric root, Curcuma longa, also known as ‘The Golden Spice’ in India. It has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic traditions as well as an essential ingredient in so many delicious curries. Tips for including turmeric in your diet to boost turmeric absorption in the body were explained.
Refer this link for further information
Health ATMs by Indian Railways
Another initiative by Indian railways, after the recent Oxygen Parlour in Nasik was Health ATMs. Health ATMs, as the name suggests can be referred to as private, walk-in medical kiosks with integrated medical devices for basic vitals like cardiology, neurology, pulmonary testing, gynecology, basic laboratory testing and emergency facilities and presence of a medical attendant.
Refer this link to give it a read:
These products do seem healthy but might be just a waste of money
What some people might find magical food items having superpowers, the same can be of no use to others as well. Here we explain 3 different food commodities (i.e. detox teas, artificial sweeteners and dietary supplements). Don’t get into the habit of making them as a daily part of your life and converting them into necessities. These could just be a trend or a part of a fad diet.
Refer the link below to read on:
These Products do Seem Healthy but Might be Just Waste of Money
A deep sleep can help in revamping the fretful brain, researchers say
Sleep is part of everyone’s basic survival kit and how your brain gets affected is definitely explained in this article. A deep sleep is important for a calm brain and to keep stress at a bay. A UC Berkeley based study clearly mentions the function of deep sleep and how easy it can be restored.
Refer this link to read tips for a sound sleep:
As per a Study “A Deep Sleep Help in Revamping the Fretful Brain”
Biodegradable water bottle is the trend to watch out for
With the recent ban on single use of plastics, biodegradable bottles are now in trend. The article highlights three types of bottles, one of which is reusable, recyclable, and compostable in 80 days. Some of the bottles are made from polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), a Food and Drug Administration approved biopolymer while one is made from red algae. This is a good alternative to reduce environmental pollution.
Refer to this link for full article:
For more such interesting health trends that made a mark in 2021, click on the link given below
Let’s see what all health trends will prevail in 2022.