5 Quick Healthy Recipes to Make the most of Your Home Stay

By      27-Mar 2020       Reading Time: 5 Mins

5 Quick Healthy Recipes to Make the most of Your Home Stay

We all think that healthy food is dull and boring. But not every time! To prove you that healthy food can be luscious, delicious and can be prepared in just a few minutes, we bring you some surprisingly delicious and wholesome list of recipes. What’s more? This won’t even require a lot of ingredients and make your home stay more exciting and stimulating. If you too are getting bored while staying at home then give a shot to these recipes and enrich yourself with great health while giving you taste buds a delightful taste.

So, forget about those greasy biryanis, buttery kebabs and sugar-filled desserts and give these recipes a toss in your pan and get all the quality nutrients while staying at home. 

Opt for these delightful mixes and get the most of your home stay.

  • Coconut lemon quench: With the summery winds, it is quite important to give the body that much needed dose of hydration. Though plain water is a great option, this recipe is filled with a refreshing mix of coconut and lemon and can stimulate your mood and vibes in no time. All you have to do is just take some coconut water, plain water, coconut sugar or brown sugar, lemon juice and blend all the ingredients together. Add some mint before serving and relish the punch of coolness with this tangy beverage.


  • Beetroot pancake: Almost all of us search for something healthy and easy to make as soon as we get out of the bed. This recipe is perfect for breakfast and can easily be prepared in just a few minutes. The ingredients used in it are quite healthy and it will make you feel satiated for a longer period of time. Just boil beetroot and blend it in a blender with curd and add ragi flour and spices as per your taste to it. Add some batter in the shape of pancakes over a pan and cook it for some minutes. Serve hot!


  • Oats Khichdi: This is one of the healthiest meals you can prepare in just a few minutes. Rich with the goodness of fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals this recipe can become your favourite meal during lunchtime. Just cook it like your normal Khichdi and add oats to it before giving it whistles. It can be a good time saver on your busy days. You can make your favourite raita with it to enhance the taste and nutrient profile.


  • Besan Halwa: For all those sweet cravers out there, here is something for you that you can add in your menu without thinking a lot about weighing scale. This recipe is equally healthy and tasty and can give you a perfect punch of nutrients like protein and fibre. Just swap your processed sugar from jaggery or brown sugar and you are good to go.


  • Walnuts rice salad: This salad is a little different from all those stir fry versions of salads available. The soft texture of rice, crunchy texture of nuts and nutrition profile of various green leafy vegetables give it a perfect blend to serve to those health freaks. Experiment this at home and enrich yourself with the best of health.


With so many healthy and delicious recipes, why settle down for something unhealthy? Give them a try and do let us know about your favourite ones.

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