5 Simple and Nourishing Smoothies To Enjoy this Winter
By Nmami Agarwal 19-Dec 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

You can always enjoy a warm mug of smoothie in the winter, this may sound absurd to you. Most smoothies can be absorbed quickly by the body. Therefore, try to include nutrition through such smoothies. Here are some unique recipes to try this winter season-
Banana and Oats Smoothie
This recipe is a delicious winter smoothie that can give you a boost of energy. It has a balance of protein and carbohydrates. Bananas have tryptophan, and vitamin b6 and oats can help produce the mood-regulating neurotransmitter serotonin. You need almond or coconut milk, protein powder, oats, bananas, and dates. You can mix these ingredients well and then blend. Garnish as you wish. You can swap the oats for chia seeds, flaxseed, hempseed, and nuts.
Cranberry smoothie
This tangy flavored drink is a great drink for winter. It is beneficial for immunity since it is high in Vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. For this recipe, you need cranberries, banana, orange and almond milk. You can blend all of these ingredients and top the smoothie with your favourite nuts to enrich the nutritional profile.
Coconut Smoothie
This recipe is a great smoothie to indulge in winters. It is also great for immunity during the winter since it consists of coconut and oranges. Coconut oil is known to be an antiviral and antifungal agent. Oranges are known to be great at preventing sickness, seasonal disorders, and depression. It is also low in calories. Oranges are high in calcium as well. For this recipe you need, vanilla almond milk, coconut milk, vanilla extract, coconut oil, etc. blend all the ingredients mentioned above except coconut oil, and then add coconut oil and blend for another thirty seconds. This technique helps make it thicker.
The green smoothie
This smoothie is a combination of green winter vegetables that will keep you fit and fine. For this recipe, you need green veggies of your choice like spinach, kale and collards. Then, all you have to do is blend all these ingredients and top them with some coriander leaves and lemon juice and it’s ready.
Strawberry and Beetroot Smoothie
This unique recipe gives a new twist to your traditional banana smoothie into something unconventional. To prepare the smoothie, take sliced beetroot and bake it for some time by sprinkling some water. Now, dice the beetroot and add it to a jar along with some yogurt. Now, top the smoothie with some banana and honey.
In this chilly winter, smoothies can be a great way to enjoy healthy and delicious guilt-free beverages. Try these smoothies at home and do let us know which one is your favorite!