AIIMS Issued New Guidelines to Identify Black Fungus and Steps to be Taken in Such Condition
By Nmami Life Editorial 23-May 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Along with the surge in COVID-19 cases, an escalation in the cases of black fungus also known as mucormycosis has been noticed across Indian. Mucormycosis is a deadly fungal infection that is affecting covid patients. Several cases have been seen in patients with uncontrolled diabetes and prolonged intensive care unit (ICU). The black fungus is quite a rare infection and it affects the brain and lungs. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Director Randeep Guleria said on Saturday, as hospitals report a rise in the rare but potentially fatal infection.
The spores of mucormycosis are found in soil, air and even in food. Before covid, there were extremely low cases of black fungus. But the misuse of steroids in treating the Covid is the major cause of this fungal infection. The AIIMS director urged hospitals and doctors to follow the protocols as a huge rise in the black fungus infection has been seen in Covid-19 cases.
Signs to detect black fungus infection
Watch out for these signs if you have recently recovered from the covid-19.
- Abnormal black discharge or crust or blood from the nose.
- Nasal blockage, headache or eye pain, swelling around the eyes, double vision, redness of the eye, loss of vision, difficulty in the closing eye, inability to open the eye, prominence of the eye.
- Facial numbness or tingling sensation.
- Difficulty in chewing or opening mouth.
- Make sure to do daily self-examination: Check out your full face in daylight, for facial swelling (especially nose, cheek, around the eye) or black discolouration, hardening, and pain on the touch.
- Take care of your mouth and check out if you have loose teeth. Black areas and swelling inside the mouth, palate, teeth or nose (oral and nasal examination using torchlight, as far as possible you can see).
Next step after this
If you have detected any symptom of the black fungus, then here is The AIIMS issued guidelines that you should definitely follow:
- Immediate consultation with an ENT doctor, ophthalmologist, or the doctor who is treating the patient in case of any abnormal findings
- Regular treatment and follow-up. Strict control and monitoring of blood sugar in diabetics
- Regular medications and follow-up for other comorbidities
- No self-medication with steroids or antibiotics or antifungal drugs
- MRI or CT scan with contrast – paranasal sinuses and orbit, if needed, on doctor’s advice.
Mucormycosis is a life-threatening fungal infection and requires prompt medications. Do not try any self-medications and consult a health expert immediately if you are suffering from the above-written signs. Follow the above written AIIMS guidelines if you detect any sign.