Break-up from these Habits for Healthy Skin and Body
By Nmami Agarwal 22-Oct 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Maintaining your skin and looks as you grow can be quite a daunting task. Even after extensive care and skin care products, our skin may not be what we want due to some habits that negatively affect it. The adverse effects of bad skin habits often cause irritations, wrinkles, and breakout of pimples. To make sure we get the clear and healthy skin we want we need to make sure to break off harmful habits –
- Smoking – Staying near and inhaling the smoke leads to premature ageing of the skin, makes damage from sun radiation worsen, and promotes the growth of skin lesions. Increase in wrinkling of the skin, yellowish coloration to the skin, and flaking of skin. Any form of smoke is detrimental to your skin health and it is very necessary to have precautions if your workplace has fumes and smoke exhausts.
- Irregular sleeping habits – This does not have a specific damage criterion per se at the biochemical level of the skin. Lack of sleep will make your skin wrinkly. It also slows down the skin repair that should occur while one rests and also a common problem of dark circles may arise.
- Scratching and irritating the skin – People poke and scratch their skin when they are under stress, skin rashes, faulty or allergic medication, and insect bites. Scratching and itching at the skin cause a cycle to develop and the individual may get conditioned even after the skin is repaired back to normal. It is necessary to forcefully stop the development of this habit.
- Makeup removal – When you are at your house and not in attendance of anyone, it is necessary to keep makeup off your skin. After coming from celebrations and works and before going to sleep your skin must be free from makeup. This is because a layer of grime and dirt may form if keep it on. It also clogs the pores and prevents you from having clear skin.
- Overuse of exfoliating products – Due to excessive advertisements everyone knows how exfoliation helps in the growth of new skin but fails to highlight the issue of how many times must one use it. Overuse leads to dry, irritated, and red skin. It is necessary to limit the use of such products and to regularly moisturize your skin after the use of such products.
- Liquids and diets – For better skin health food with antioxidants is recommended. It is very important to avoid fried and oily foods, excessive dairy, and products with trans-fat. Probiotics and omega 3 fatty acids are recommended. It is also necessary to hydrate and then sweat it out properly to keep the pores unclogged.
Keeping such tips in mind while taking of yourself and maintaining good habits can bring about a lot of changes in the body, and make you appreciate self-care more.