Common Yoga Protocol: Ministry of Ayush Tweeted how Trikonasana can Benefit the Body and Posture
By Nmami Agarwal 07-Jun 2022 Reading Time: 3 Mins

There are a lot of exercises we can follow to stay fit and flexible. One such form is yoga, which comprises a list of light movements done to promote overall stability. It not only focuses on physical flexibility but helps build a strong foundation of mental health. The Ministry of Ayush tweets how Trikonasana can benefit the body and posture, marking the importance of the upcoming Yoga Utsav.
Yoga is a trend that has been flourishing over the years; rather this has become a trendsetter in maintaining both physical and mental well-being. Each Yogic activity is a key to improving flexibility, strength, balance, and attaining harmony. One such yoga asana is Trikonasana, whereTrikoṇā means triangle. Tri means three and koṇa means an angle. As the āsana resembles the triangle made by the trunk, arms, and legs, hence the name Trikoṇāsana.
The technique of Trikonasana:
- Stand with your feet 3 feet apart, comfortably.
- Inhale slowly raise both the arms sideways up to shoulder level. Turn the right foot towards the right side.
- Exhale, slowly bend to the right side, and place the right-hand fingers, just behind the right foot.
- The left arm is straight in line with the right arm.
- Turn the left palm forward.
- Turn your head and gaze at the tip of the left middle finger.
- Remain in the posture for 10-30 seconds with normal breathing.
- As you inhale, slowly come up. Repeat the same procedure from the left side.
- Prevents flat foot.
- Strengthens calf, thigh, and waist muscles.
- Makes the spine flexible, and improves lung capacity.
Additionally, it reduces stress, improves stability, and stimulates organ functioning. Trikonasana can be practiced on a flat surface, preferably a mat with utmost focus and is important to practice the asana with full dedication. We must proceed steadily to avoid any injuries. Avoid this posture in case of slipped disc, sciatica, and after undergoing abdominal surgery. Do not try beyond limits and overdo the lateral stretch. If one cannot touch the feet, one can reach for the knees instead.
Over To You:
There are several yoga asanas and everyone has their own benefits. Trikonasana is one such form of exercise which gives us strength and flexibility with regular practice.