Did Covid-19 Change Our Social Behaviour?
By Nmami Life Editorial 25-Apr 2020 Reading Time: 6 Mins

From virtual learning to working from home, our routine changed and so it must have brought some behavior change to our habits too. With the pandemic taking over the world, our work and home lives have been turned upside-down and many businesses have had to find new ways to sell, service, and operate. Some of these changes may even stick after the crisis recedes.
The World Health Organization highlights the problem does not lie in pandemic alone but rather in the fear, panic, and terror caused by the spread of this virus, and amplified by the media, which has been presenting the situation as if it were the end of the world.
The new measures like imposing quarantines, enacting new laws to manage the pandemic, using modern tools for e-learning and telework, ensuring a minimum standard of living for all, granting loans, exemptions from paying water and gas bills and taxes, assisting the unemployed, and using the military to assist in security measures during the epidemic have cost countries huge money. These are funds that could have been invested in other activities of growth and development of the country like infrastructure or other major projects but instead have now been used to respond to the immediate needs of the people.
Here are a few factors that can indirectly affect our social behavior or definitely cause an impact to the same:
- The lack of confidence in planning
People would not be sure of migrating easily or shifting to some other city or country for the sake of their work or studies. They would put enough thought into booking tickets in advance for travel plans or for family vacations. People would not consider visiting their friends and family as a priority or need as they used to earlier before COVID. The pandemic will leave us with a bit of doubt and threat always hovering over our minds thinking of whether socializing or planning week-long vacations, much in advance really needed.
- The virtual world can replace the human connection
Virtual working from home, consuming, and socializing will fuel a massive and further shift to virtual activity for anything. Students attending their classes online and adoption of digital means would increase which is a plus point and would save people’s time traveling to far off meeting destinations. But this may make us lose the actual sense of communicating non-virtually in real-time and so the human connection would be hampered a bit. It will affect ways of communicating across learning, working, transacting and consuming. This will impact our social behavior.
- Cocooning and sticking to gadgets
Everyone is told to self-isolate means people would now develop the habit of staying at home, having home-made food but this also means that people will be more stuck with their gadgets and avoid going out or spending time with their friends or colleagues. This could bring in the risk of obesity and moreover, people becoming slightly hesitant of staying socially active again.
It won’t be wrong if we say that people or you would think twice before going to any family function and would not hesitate to cancel if the social gathering is not as important as it sounds. People would take care of whom they hug or shake hands with or where they touch. They would take words like sanitation and cleanliness more seriously and understand the importance of hygiene.
Over to you
Not only social behavior but COVID would change the way we think, design, communicate, and indirectly affect every activity of us. The pros above all this also include that the healthcare sector will bloom with a huge number of opportunities and that people will be more self-conscious about their health status leading to a healthier, productive world and better economy.