Everything You Need to Know About India’s Double Mutant Strain B.1.617 Coronavirus
By Nmami Life Editorial 20-Apr 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

The spike in the COVID-19 cases in India has become a matter of concern for both the residents and the government. With a high number of daily COVID-19 cases, the second wave of COVID is continuously escalating. Amid the surge, the emergence of new strains is identified and as per the experts, the double mutant strain has contributed to the rise in COVID cases across the country.
What does the new strain contain?
The B.1.617 double mutant variant contains mutations from two separate virus variants, namely E484Q and L452R. This strain is found in Maharashtra, Punjab, and Delhi. As per the health experts, “the L452R variant was initially found in the US whereas the E484Q variant is indigenous. The double mutant variant was identified by carrying out genomic sequencing on the latest samples by the Indian SARS-CoV-2 Consortium on Genomics (INSACOG), a group of 10 national laboratories under India’s health ministry.”
Identification of new strain
There are various states which experienced positive cases of the new double mutant virus. Maharashtra, Delhi, Punjab are the states which have recorded the highest surges of COVID cases and the positive cases of new strain are also recorded in these states. Commenting on its circulation rate is not possible and experts are also fully unclear of this. The variant has also been found on a global level in the USA, UK, Singapore and Australia.
Is it more dangerous?
The two mutations these new strains consist of are well-known for their high infectivity and high transmission rates. The combined mutations make it even more infectious and deadly. As per the health experts, “these mutations consist of two dissimilar spike protein markers associated with coronavirus. The spike protein assists the virus to affix itself to the cells of humans and then attack the different organs of the body. Yes, the new strains are more dangerous as they multiply faster, causing scarier infection bout.
The second wave is spreading fastly and as per the experts, the double mutant strain might be the reason for this. As per the health care experts, the double mutant strain is quite dangerous and infectious. It can also cause infectious diseases and can drag the health care system towards a big collapse. The Health Ministry has also issued a statement saying that the new variant could also increase infection rates and easily surpass immune defences, “Such mutations confer immune escape and increased infectivity,” the ministry said.
It is said that viruses mutate all the time. Mutation can weaken the virus while it can also make it stronger and more infectious. The new mutant strain is the combination of 2 mutations which makes it multiply even faster, causing serious health complications. Following the safety protocols and staying inside your home is the key to safeguard yourself from the virus.