Flexible Dieting: Here’s How it Works
By Nmami Life Editorial 08-Oct 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

A flexible diet is a diet in which there is no particular restriction or the need to limit oneself to a particular group of food. In a flexible diet, you can include a wide variety of food items without having to leave out your personal favourites even when weight loss is your goal. Following a fixed diet is often not easy and it requires professional advice to form a diet that is balanced in all its nutrient requirements. Thus, a flexible diet is a perfect diet to follow during your weight loss period.
How Flexible Diet helps in weight loss
It is a diet centred around your personal choices hence it gives all the benefit of staying in control and not needing the requirement to watch what you need to eat. It assists in balancing your bad habits like overeating and binging on high-calorie foods. The drawbacks of a strict and restrictive diet are the relapse and extreme cravings when one is no longer following it, however, in a flexible diet, you have the freedom to consume whatever might have been restricted in a strict diet. Naturally, the amount to be consumed is to be regulated with weight loss as a primary goal. Including such conditions in a diet keeps the momentum of the diet going and the process of weight loss is done in a healthy mood and environment.
Flexible Dieting and the connection of macronutrients
Flexible eating puts emphasis on macronutrients and includes carbohydrates, protein, and fat. In this type of diet, it is of utmost importance to calculate your calorie count of macronutrients every meal and every day. The awareness of calorie count and control of food portions is also vital in your weight-loss regimen. The process can be made easier by making use of tools and mobile applications such as a calorie manager and a daily calorie log book. A flexible diet can be tuned and tweaked to one’s preference and the possibility arises to keep your personal life in a delicate balance by making sure extra calories consumed in social life are accounted for and balanced through daily diets by cutting down a specific food group or limiting its intake for a small duration of time.
Nutrient requirements and maintaining it
It is not just important to lose weight but to lose it in a way that still keeps the body healthy and free from the pitfalls of dieting. Healthy choices are a necessity in which you monitor your food items and their sources and your indulgence items such as sweets are controlled in their intake. It helps in keeping stress on both body and mind to a low. Following a flexible naturally helps your body accustomed to a diet in which each calorie is accounted for hence the need for a strict calorie deficit diet is removed.
Therefore, flexible dieting is a good replacement for regular dieting without having to give up on anything.