Government Propose Hefty Fine on Promotion of Fairness Products
By Nmami Life Editorial 10-Feb 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

The Health and Family Welfare Ministry proposed an amendment regarding the remedies and advertisement made in the profile of drugs and magic (Objectionable Advertisements Act, 1954), and said that a hefty punishment of 5-year jail and Rs 50 lakhs of fine will be made for showing false advertisements in the name of magic remedies and drugs promoting fair skin, enhancing sexual performance, helps in treating stammering, gives suggestions about infertility in women, premature aging, hair, and skin whitening.
The amendment has made various add-ons to the list of diseases, sicknesses and situations enclosed in the draft and added various things that are important for the public well-being. The Act articulates that any medicines, pills or tablets or any other products that promise to cure diseases, disorders, bad conditions should not be advertised. More additions were also incorporated including ads regarding drugs for enlightening sexual presentation, skin tone, premature aging, AIDS, greying of hair, stammering, sterility in women, etc.
The Act further stated that even the first verdict will not be ignored and will also carry a punishment of imprisonment of up to six months or fine or both; and if a case of the following conviction can happen, the imprisonment can add up to a year or fine, or both. Ministry is working on the amendment and looking forward to proliferating the penalties. The first conviction includes the monetary fine of up to Rs 10 lakh. The second and subsequent conviction can extend the monetary fine of up to Rs 50 lakh.
The Ministry said the changes in the amendment will be made time to time in order to maintain the smooth functioning. The ministry also said that the suggestions and comments from the public are welcome and they will also consider their problems while making any changes in the amendments.
The draft also recommends an enlargement of description of an advertisement that says, “any audio or visual publicity, representation, endorsement or pronouncement made by means of light, sound, smoke, gas, print, electronic media, internet or website and includes any notice, circular, label, wrapper, invoice, banner, poster or such other documents.
If you want to save yourself from false fairness products, ensure yourself to go through these pointers before buying
- Check customer reviews
- Find is it really worth it
- Check for authorized retailers
- Familiarize yourself with the product before buying
- Check all the ingredients and information
Our country is clearly obsessed with fair skin and this isn’t something newly tangled. For ages, the issue of partiality towards the dark skin tone has been rising in society and due to which the market is gaining a lot of advantages by selling false products. The step taken by the ministry can end and save people suffering from false thinking and usage of deceitful products.