Health Challenges of The Decade by WHO- #3 Fair Healthcare
By Nmami Life Editorial 22-Jan 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Fair healthcare is one of the major health challenges in the recent report published by WHO. Over the past decade, due to the environmental crisis and pollution levels, various health problems are rising at an alarming rate. With fewer resources and less capitalizing in medical equipment not everyone is getting fair treatment which ultimately leads to loss of people due to uncertain deaths.
Some of the common problems range between an outburst of vaccine-preventable diseases like measles and diphtheria, increasing reports of drug-resistant pathogens with less or no proper resources for the treatment, mounting rates of obesity and physical inactivity due to the various factors like environmental pollution, climate crisis and humanitarian disasters.
Making access to health care fairer for everyone
“Low access to quality health products threatens health and lives,” according to WHO.
The WHO list not only focus on health issues but it also put an emphasis on noteworthy health disparities that are existed in the country which focus on the existing and increasing gaps to who can have access to quality health care depending upon the income and other socio-economic factors.
WHO noted that there is a big difference in the life expectancy of people living in rich and poor countries. The disparity results in an average difference of 18-years. People with less earning is suffering from various challenges- an average of one-third of the world’s population are not getting proper access to various type of medicines, vaccines, diagnostic tools and other crucial health products.
WHO said that all countries should invest 1% more of their gross domestic product to basic and primary health care including proper access to the medical facilities on time and nearby to their home as they can deal with the loss of health as soon as possible without any further damage.
Fair healthcare to all
Important contributions are necessary toward this issue and to remove the disparity of monetary health care disparities. Some great initiatives that will assist in breaking this gap include:
- Expanding the coverage of health in the less developed areas
- Providing financial help to those who have lower incomes and can’t cover the expenses of Medicare facilities
- Improving access to primary care to ensure a steady source of care
- Focus more on prevention of diseases and health promotion
- Re-establishing the rules of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act
- Improving the superiority of health care services
- Refining the diversity and distribution of the health care workforce
- Investing in proper and useful health care resources
- Escalating access to community health centres
- Measure the effectiveness of various campaigns and initiatives
Paving the way for lasting change can come from the initiatives within. WHO is taking a step forward for the betterment of health care, contribute and support your bit and stay tuned for more updates.