Health Ministry Updated Quarantine Guidelines for Covid-19 Patients
By Nmami Agarwal 23-Jan 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

With the pandemic again hitting us hard with the new Covid-19 variant which is spreading like wild-fire, but has come out to be less severe, the government has released some norms that have to be followed by those who are infected and their close contacts.
The Union Health Ministry has advised & revised few guidelines that states:
1- All covid-19 patients under home isolation will stand discharged after seven days from testing positive and have no fever for 3 consecutive days. This would be applicable to all those who are in home isolation and have mild or asymptomatic cases. Such cases usually require minimum medical intervention.
This move was taken in order to keep hospital beds vacant for patients with severe symptoms.
2- The patient who is home isolated should have a fully vaccinated caregiver.
3- Home isolation will not be applicable for pregnant women who are due in 2 weeks’ time.
4- Home isolation is allowed for close contacts of positive patients who shall be tested on the seventh day in case they have any symptoms.
5- Those discharged from home isolation are expected to wear masks on continuous bases.
6- The condition of patients with comorbidities will be medically analyzed and decisions will be taken by the civic body.
7- Elderly patients who are 60 up and with comorbidities such as hypertension, chronic lung/liver/kidney disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, shall only be allowed home isolation after proper evaluation from a medical practitioner.
8- All other members of the same family of covid positive patients shall home quarantine themselves and wear masks. They should regularly sanitize commonly used things and wash hands frequently atleast for 40 secs.
Instruction for the covid patients:
-Patient should be in a separate room and use a separate washroom.
-There has to be proper ventilation in the room where they are isolated.
-Patient should use disposable items like paper napkins, paper glass, plates, spoons, etc.
-Mask & other used disposable items should be discarded in a separate garbage bag.
– Patients must drink lots of fluids and eat healthy food.
– Sanitize room, door knobs, washroom, any surface the patient has come in contact with and use hand sanitizer all the time.
-Self monitor temperature and oxygen through an oximeter.
When to seek medical attention:
-If you have unresolved high grade fever more than 100 degree for 3 days
-Difficulty in breathing
-Dip in oxygen saturation less than 93%
-Continuous pain in chest
-Severe fatigue
-Those who cannot isolate themselves at home can admit themselves at the local quarantine center
– Those with severe symptoms, comorbidities & 60 years of age
Over to you:
Wear a mask, stay home, avoid crowds, get yourself tested in case you have covid symptoms and isolate yourself from friends & family as per the covid quarantine guidelines led down by the authorities. We have to unite to fight covid and not be a reason for the spread of this infection. Our country and its people are family; let’s together try to end this pandemic.