Here’s an Answer to Why You Need Two COVID-19 Vaccine Doses
By Nmami Life Editorial 09-Feb 2021 Reading Time: 3 Mins

Introduction of COVID-19 vaccine is the big step closer to curb the pandemic. The launch of two coronavirus vaccine– covishield by Serum Institute of India and Covaxin by Bharat Biotech has raised a lot of questions in the mind of the people. From the number of doses to take to the list of possible side-effects- there are plenty of questions that are kept on emerging from the time COVID-19 vaccine commenced in India.
As per the reports “more than 3 crore healthcare and frontline workers will receive the jab during the first phase of COVID-19 inoculation drive.” But a lot of people still seeking answers to what exactly is the need of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine.
As per the health secretary Rajesh Bhushan “there would be two doses of the vaccine which will be given at a 28-day interval. The effectiveness of the vaccine would begin only after 14 days of receiving the second dose, he further added, asking all “to maintain COVID-19 appropriate behaviour even after receiving the coronavirus vaccine.”
It is extremely important to take two doses of the COVID-19 vaccines as the first dose assist the immune system to create a response against the virus that leads to COVID-19 i.e. SARS-CoV-2 while taking the second dose will further enhance the immune response that will guarantee long-term safety. As per the researches “the vaccines are more than 50% effective 10 days or so after the first shot and nearly 95% effective several days after the second.” Each dose will be provided at different spacing and it is extremely vital to consult a health expert to ensure right timing and effective results.
COVID-19 vaccines are only effective if taken properly and full two doses. Only two doses will provide full immunity and within the seeking of a health professional. These vaccines are extremely safe and tested on thousands of people. The side-effects are insignificant and there will be no risk to health. Taking two shots of vaccine is not new in the medical-various ailments like hepatitis B, HPV also requires two shots of the vaccine in order to treat fully.
Over to you
The vaccine for COVID-19 will be voluntary, as per the health minister. Taking two shots of this vaccine is extremely important in order to get effective results. Make sure that you connect with a health professional to plan your shots of the vaccine.