How Exactly The Novel Coronavirus Affects The Body
By Nmami Life Editorial 09-May 2020 Reading Time: 6 Mins

The emergence of pandemic Coronavirus brings lots of guidelines, procedures and safety measures with it. Dealing with this virus is different and difficult especially when it has different stages.
Starting from the incubation period to mild to turn out to be a severe disease- the virus is attacking the body while making it all weak and fragile. We all know the symptoms and its transmission but it is extremely important to know how exactly the novel coronavirus is affecting the body, what stages it involved and how it can be treated.
Incubation Period
This is the stage where the virus starts establishing itself in the body. Viruses incorporate themselves inside the cells of your body and then completely hijack them. The coronavirus officially entitled as Sars-CoV-2, start attacking your body as soon as you breathe it in. The virus can transfer in you if someone affected from it breathe nearby you or you touch something that is contaminated and after then you touch your eyes or face or anything in the body. As per research ‘It first infects the cells lining your throat, airways and lungs and turns them into “coronavirus factories” that spew out huge numbers of new viruses that go on to infect yet more cells.’
When this process starts, you will not feel any problems or sickness inside your body. At the early stage, you won’t develop any symptoms. The time between infection and the appearing of symptoms is known as the incubation period and researchers said that it takes a long time to show symptoms of coronavirus (five days is average). There are chances that people may not develop symptoms as well.
Mild disease
Covid-19 is a mild infection and the symptoms include in this are normal fever, body ache, sore throat and headaches. As per the researches, “the fever turns out to be grotty and this is a result of your immune system responding to the infection. It has recognised the virus as a hostile invader and signals to the rest of the body something is wrong by releasing chemicals called cytokines.”
This makes the immune system weaker and worsens the cough due to the irritation of cells by the virus infection. This stage of coronavirus last for about 1 week and most people can recover this stage due to their strong immune system. A strong immune system has the courage to fight off the virus while curing the symptoms. However, those who won’t survive this stage comes into the more serious phase of COVID-19.
Severe disease
This stage is known as the progression of the disease and it generally comes when the immune system over-reacts to the virus. This stage involves additional problems like inflammation in the body due to the chemical signals. If the inflammation won’t be treated properly then it can also cause collateral damage all over the body.
In this stage, the virus completely demolished the immune system by generating a discrepancy in the immune response which leads to too much inflammation in the body and it requires delicate balancing in order to treat it, or else, it can lead to pneumonia as well. Though a very minor per cent of affected people reach this stage, doctors keep on finding new ways to properly cure it.
Critical disease
Researches said that around 6% of cases become critically ill. If a person reaches this stage, their condition and body started to drop chances of recovering and there might be chances of death as well. As per doctors, “The problem is the immune system is now spiralling out of control and causing damage throughout the body.” The blood pressure started to drop and low levels of blood pressure make the body and organs stop working. The virus in this stage inflamed the body at higher levels which can lead to multi-organ failure and eventually lead to death.
Staying positive is the way to go! Prevention is always better than cure! Keep yourself healthy and incorporate more and more of immunity-boosting foods in your diet to make yourself hale and hearty from within. Also, follow all the preventive measures and stay home to stay safe.