India needs to Retrain and Re-skill Healthcare Workers to Fight Pandemic In Future Effectively
By Nmami Life Editorial 20-Aug 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

The pandemic has created such a scary situation all over the globe and with the increasing cases of coronavirus cases in India, it is quite important to retrain and re-skill the whole health care sector and workers to effectively combat such pandemic in future. Due to the dearth of supplies, capability, readiness and the lack of skilled workers, it becomes quite difficult to handle this situation and it is extremely vital to access these parameters to ready ourselves for the future crisis and disaster. National Medical Commission (NMC) has to take some steps in order to fill these gaps and to solve these issues.
It is not wrong to say that India is not very well prepared for any type of future crisis. As per the reports, “The country has 0.7 million ICU beds, against the potential demand for 1 million COVID-19 patients by the end of May, plus only 4,000 or so ventilators and abysmal doctor-patient and nurse-patient ratios.” A lot of hospitals do not have the essential quality control that can assist in proper curing of such infectious diseases and that is what leaves many people with low or no access to proper medical facilities.
During this time it is extremely pivotal to proactively project re-skilling projects for the workers in the healthcare sector to prepare ourselves for the other future pandemics like these. Students who are involved in education or medical colleges should also become a part of this skilling project to help and assist the healthcare sector while providing effective medical facilities and treatments to those who are in need.
Short term projects and pieces of training are not a perfect solution to provide effective and skilful doctors and trainers but these might act as an asset to the country by providing various services and easing out the work of health care sector. Short- term training, re-skilling, and broaden online courses while inviting healthcare professionals around different states is a great way to bring a lot of health care workers under the same roof.
An unbending medical structure with a significant number of doctors, nurses and many other workers that can attend the patients with both serious and non-serious levels can ease out the emergencies and times of disasters and can help in strengthen and quick decisions in order to effectively tackle the pandemic.
Various ministries recently tweeted and issued strategies and rules for telemedicine along with re-skilling courses that can assist in bringing the ‘tele-doctors’ and ‘tele-consultants’ in the field in an extremely safe and sound manner.
Various ministries like AYUSH and ministry of health and family welfare are assisting dentists and other doctors to join the re-skill programmes to make them prepare for the future pandemic while broadening their opportunities.