John Abraham Hasn’t had A Cheat Meal In 22 Years. Know John’s Secret Of Staying Fit
By Nmami Agarwal 15-Mar 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Everyone says that fitness is about nutrition22 and exercise both, but only some stand by it. The fittest and hottest star, John Abraham is one who swears by both. He does not believe in starving yourself for good physique. He treats his body as his temple and he is a very big fitness-freak, who looks after his schedule really strictly. And yes! He has not cheated with his meals since 22 years now. His trainer often insists him to have a cheat day but he has his disciplines to follow.
A great physique comes from religiously following a good regime, be it in terms of food and nutrition or workout. John has a regime of burning about 5000 calories each day and very strictly works out in the gym at least six days a week. He believes that listening to your body is very important for your overall fitness. Listen to what the body has to say in terms of food, exercise and mental well-being. Sleep, being another crucial need of the body, must be looked upon. Quality and quantity of sleep ensure good bodily functions and better performance.
Secret Of The Diet:
A restricted but healthy diet is the foundation of a lean body. Starting with the breakfast, which is the most important meal of the day as it gives you enough fuel to go through the rest of your day. Eating foods that fill you up rather than starving is a blessing for the body, so your breakfast needs to have ample amount of protein and carbohydrates. Rest of the meals must be at the right time, limiting fat, sugar and salt. John has not even had oil, sugar and salt for over a decade now. He adds just a pinch of salt sometimes and have a protein cake without bread, for sweet cravings. He told in an interview that he takes enough of carbs as his pre-workout and about 7 egg whites with protein shake, post workout. Not forgetting water, keep your body hydrated as it will help muscle growth.
Workout Must Not Be Ignored:
John exercises daily, he does weight lifting for about an hour followed by running for 20 to 25 minutes. He lifts his own body weight by doing pilates, crossfit and strength training. He does not focus on one body part, he trains his upper body and legs too. Exercise religiously not just for the physique but to stay fit and look fit.
John Abraham is dedicated to his body and believes that ‘the machine would not work if he changes his routine now.’ Inspired by John? Then remember to have a fitness regime, exercise regularly and keep up your metabolism by fueling it at right intervals.