Latest Study Says Vitamin D Deficiency Can Increase the Risk of COVID-19
By Nmami Life Editorial 11-Sep 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble Vitamin. It is produced in the body when it’s exposed to the sunlight. Vitamin D aids in keeping calcium and phosphate balanced, which is needed for maintaining healthy bones, muscles and teeth. Apart from the number of crucial roles it plays in the body, one is supporting the immune system.
The risk of getting in contact with the novel coronavirus was 1.77 times greater for patients deficient in vitamin D, shows a recently published study.
Read on find out what the researchers had to say about the retrospective study:
-Vitamin D impacts the metabolism of zinc, which reduces the potential of coronavirus to clone.
-“There is prior evidence from multiple sources that vitamin D can enhance both innate and adaptive immunity,” Dr. David O. Meltzer, a professor of medicine at the University of Chicago.
-Innate immunity refers to the body’s natural immune response, whereas, adaptive immunity refers to how our immune function adapts to a new pathogen, that has a potent ability to intrude its natural response.
-A greater Vitamin D level corresponds with lower interleukin 6 level, which is an important target for controlling the cytokine storm in COVID-19.
-However, caution was also given for, in case of asymptomatic patients.
Vitamin D, if reduces inflammation can reduce symptomatic appearance including cough. Hence, it can make the infection go viral.
-Vitamin D accelerates the clearance of virus cells.
-Experts say that, if vitamin D can change the Covid-19 risk, it will be of great importance globally. As procuring the sunshine vitamin is inexpensive and safe too.
-According to Israeli researchers, low levels of vitamin D in blood plasma is substantially linked to developing the Covid-19 infection, even after the adjustment of other factors, say; age, gender and chronic mental and physical ailments.
-The dietary sources of vitamin D are- fatty fish like salmon, eggs, mushrooms and fortified foods, inclusive of most milk and dairy products. Sunbath is also one of the best source of vitamin D apart from the supplements.
-To take a sunbath, expose your body to the morning sun(within 1-hour post it’s rise time) or the setting sun(within 1 hour prior of it’s setting time) for at least 30 minutes every day. You can put a damp white cloth on your head to avoid the headache.
How much is the normal range of vitamin D?
As per a study published by in National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), “a desirable and safe range of serum 25(OH)D levels would be 30–100 ng/mL, while vitamin D sufficiency is defined as serum levels of 25(OH)D 30–32 ng/mL.”
Over to you
You must get your levels of Vitamin D tested before you decide on taking any supplements.
Though there isn’t any cure for the coronavirus as yet, practices like physical distancing and boosting your immunity system can help. Researchers are laying down studies to fathom the techniques for the same. Vitamin D is usually found to be much lower in women than in men. So post a proper consultation, care must be taken to bring it to the recommended levels, especially now that we know the link between Covid-19 and Vitamin D.