Make Some Way for Meatless Meat In Your Diet
By Nmami Life Editorial 11-Aug 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Could you imagine a chip that tastes like bacon but is actually made from a vegetable? Vegans can get the taste of meat and meat eaters can actually feel the taste of meat without eating meat. Yeah, you heard that right! There are alternatives for meat which are meatless.
Meatless meat is defined as plant based meat which is generally made from soy or peas products. It is low in saturated fat and rich in vitamins and fibre content.
While environmentalists and health motives are driving consumers to cut back on meat in some developed markets, global meat sales are growing, mostly driven by demand in developing nations.
Is meatless meat actually healthy?
Consuming a plant based diet is good and plant based meats have zero cholesterol but they contain the same amount of calories and in fact have more sodium content than their animal counterparts.
We all know that the non-vegetarian food items out there in the market are contaminated in some way or the other. In such a situation, a ray of healthier alternatives is always good to try and find out if it suits you the best. The ones who wish to reduce their meat intake can consider this option. The way meatless meat is produced and cooked is reflected in its real taste. In fact, a little variation would be there.
Word of caution: It is always best to consult a dietitian before going for meatless meat. Not always, all options are meant for everyone.
Healthy for the environment
As human beings, we all have a responsibility to encourage a sustainable environment which we can leave behind for our future generations as well. No doubt, environmentalists have already warned us to shift to plant based diets and reduce the consumption of meat and dairy products as it is affecting climate change too. Getting protein requirements fulfilled from plant sources rather than animals would drastically help in meeting climate targets and reduce the risk of overshooting temperature goals.
Cell based/ lab grown meat
While these meat ideas have tried their best to imitate the overall taste and nutritional profile of meat using plants, cell-based meat uses actual animal cells, grown in a serum instead of as part of a cow or a chicken. It won’t taste like meat but cell based meat products are still a long way away.
Many brands have come up with incredibly innovative and healthy plant based meat options and these are surely meant for those who are looking out for people who love meat enough to shift to plant based meat because, of course they cannot resist the taste.
Meatless meats can be made out of:
- Wheat gluten. This type of meat is known as seitan.
- Mushroom
- Legumes
- Tempeh
- Peanut Flour
- Yam flour
How to choose the right meatless meat
Both the options- meat or meatless meat are nutrient dense but it is best to be consumed in moderation. There are pros and cons for each and so for the source of protein, none should depend on only a particular source.
Over to you
We can’t rely on the fact that meatless meats would be healthier than meat but at least choosing it over a beef or meat burger would actually help you decrease your calorie intake.This is definitely a booming industry and there is a long way to go!