Mind Over Matter- 7 Quotes that Inspire Us With Beniasha Kharas Dongre
By Nmami Life Editorial 29-Dec 2020 Reading Time: 12 Mins

As a part of our Nmami Life wellness series, we assure you to bring the best of health & wellness experts to help you gain the maximum wellness. Our sole motto is to bridge the gap of awareness when it comes to your health & wellbeing.
Guest of the week: Benaisha Kharas Dongre
“You make an impression when you have created a brand of yourself and the best way to create this brand is with your image.”
Benaisha Kharas is an Image Enhancer, Inspirational Speaker, and Fashion Style Expert.
She is passionate about helping her clients project an influential, charismatic, and stylish image in their personal and professional lives. She is the absolute expert in the art and science of personal style and image management. In fact, she is the“go-to Image Builder” for women, young adults, corporates, and fashion houses. At IMPA (Image Management Professionals Association), Benaisha is the only youngest Senior Image consultant to facilitate expert classes across India. Fashion Magnet Anita Dongre highly endorses Benaisha’s expertise and has got her entire sales staff sell fashion and luxury, ‘The Benaisha Way’.
She is India’s youngest internationally certified Image Consultant since 2012, Benaisha has inspired and trained more than 2000 people to be Style, Image, and Fashion Conscious.
She has provided personal consulting to more than 250 HNI clients to present themselves with more poise and polish. Being dyslexic, yet incredibly popular in the media; Benaisha does not let her obstacles come in the way of her dreams. At the tender age of 10 when her teachers told her to go to a special school, she chose to become her own hero and fight for her dreams. She graduated with double majors in sociology and entrepreneurship. After receiving a standing ovation for her TedxTalk, she again inspired thousands at ‘Kaggaz’, a forum for the youth and shared her vision of India’s Young Image. Education Times invited Benaisha to speak and motivate their audience on image and career. Gulf Times has appreciated her work done with Qatar Airways and Indian Women’s Association of Doha. Benaisha also made her presence felt on India’s first image management TV show ‘Image Banani Hein’ on Zoom TV.
Benaisha helps her clients on colour, style, wardrobe editing, personal shopping and dressing for those tricky events like weddings, interviews and dating. She also advises fashion houses on creating delightful customer experiences, artistically sell fashion and luxury, and effortlessly convert walk-ins into shoppers. Corporate Clients like BMW, Qatar Airways, Deloitte, Jeena & Co, and many more count on Benaisha for transforming their executives to be their Brand Ambassadors with strong communication, personal image and influence skills. She is deeply interested in working with differently-abled children to inspire them to lead meaningful lives. She has also helped children who suffer from attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, and down syndrome to regain their confidence and enhance their self-image.
Benaisha, an avid lover of books, travel, and fashion; lives in Mumbai India.
Excerpts from the Session
You can also watch the entire session video here:
But, for those who like to read or keep a note of the expert’s opinion, we bring the entire excerpt of the session so that you don’t miss out on anything. Here are the points that were covered in the live session:
Here are 7 quotes that can inspire us
- Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow— Helen Keller
- Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results—- Willie Nelson
- Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose— Lyndon B. Johnson
- In order to carry a positive action, we must develop here a positive vision—Dalai Lama
- Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power—William James
- Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference— Winston Churchill
- In every day, there are 1440 minutes. That means we have 1440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact. – Les Brown
When you look into the sunlight, what happens sometimes makes you feel a little dizzy, a little dark, however, notice on when you are looking into the sunlight what is behind you is complete darkness. So, that’s when you cannot see the darkness, your shadow. So, you must keep looking into the sunshine no matter how strong the light can be because all that is behind you is shadow. Many obstacles have come up this year for most of us, wherein we feel negative, we feel sad but here this quote inspires me a lot and taught me to see into the light no matter how strong or dark it may seem.
A lot of always asked me what it is that keeps us going and what makes me positive. So, when we have negative thoughts, negative emotions about certain people then everything come out of it is always bad. Now, if we change that thought into a positive one, we will really start to see positive results. Now, this can be done simply by shifting your thinking process. A shift of positive attitude will leave me with a positive thought and a positive feeling.
Yesterday is not ours to recover, so stop living in the past. It is so important to live in the here and now. Yesterday is not something we can go and recover but we do have today and we do have tomorrow which is ours to win or to lose. So, focus on what is with you today, what is with you now. If today seems a lot more appetising to you, so, go for it. If today feels a little difficult for you then figure a way to deal with it. So, let’s stop dwelling into the past and stop regretting the decisions we made or didn’t made and focus more on today and tomorrow.
So, lot of us keep on saying that “I don’t do anything positive.” Negative visions give us negative vibes that can never lead to positive actions. If we keep letting our past, affect our today or tomorrow, we are never going to develop a positive vision. We are never going to have a feeling that we can do better. We are never going to have positive action.
So, when we keep on thinking about negative thoughts, it leads to weak moments, it leads to weak thoughts. But when we think optimistically, it leads to powerful thoughts, it leads to powerful actions. Life is all about positive and negative, plus and minus. So, as we move ahead to a New Year, we must take a positive charge and eliminate the negative charges that we have in our life.
Attitude is such a tiny thing but it is something that can change the whole game. Attitude shift is extremely important so that you can think differently, feel differently and then act differently. So, it’s how you respond to things.
We always talk about we don’t have time. But we often forget that we all have been given the same amount of time. The only thing that can make a difference is attitude. So, it’s up to us what we do with our daily opportunities because what you put in your glass it what you consume it.
You can also watch the entire session video here:
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