Ministry Of Ayush Celebrates Surya Namaskar And Encourage People To Perform “Yoga” For Fitness And Positivity
By Nmami Agarwal 22-Jan 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Mental health is as important as physical health, if not more! From fear of getting covid to worrying about our immunity, we all spend time stressing out.
Getting hassled is inevitable but there are so many things we can do to come out of our worry world. Just like by avoiding processed foods we can be much healthier, similarly, yoga can do wonders to our mental & physical health.
The Ministry Of Ayush has been pushing people to practice more yoga for better health and positivity.
Why Yoga? :
For years, yoga has been known to rejuvenate mental wellness. People have shared their mental health graph going uphill since they had joined yoga sessions.
There’s no doubt that yoga is something we all should be doing given its mental health benefits, not to mention the amount of activeness it will give you. But then why don’t people engage themselves more in it?
-First obvious reason is lack of motivation which is why most of the people would just keep snoozing the alarm until it turns off.
-In addition to it, people find boredom in exercising alone which is why Ministry Of Ayush has created a challenge for people to post their videos of doing #Suryanamaskar AKA Sun Salutation.
Yoga has tremendous benefit on mind & body:
1. It improves core strength, body balance, increases blood flow & flexibility of muscles.
2. Helps with joint pain relief
3. Strengthens the immune system
4. Benefits heart health
5. Improves hand-eye-foot coordination
6. Relaxes mind and improves sleep
7. Calms mind and reduces stress
The government has started with a project to make people aware about the tremendous benefits of Surya Namaskar – a 10 step combination of 8 asanas performed along with deep breathing and chanting.
About the project:
The project was started on account of 75th Anniversary of Independence Day under the banner of Azadi ka Amrit Mahaotsav from 1st of January 2022 till 7th February 2022 expecting to record 750 million people doing sun salutation all around the globe.
Interestingly, many individuals across the world have already posted their photos and videos. All you have to do is find people who are interested in doing so and make a group video which you can post on
We already know that yoga does so much to your body why waste this golden chance of making a healthy habit of waking up early and do some stretches, who knows you might fall in love with the Asanas, specially Surya Namaskar
Why Suryanamaskar?
Suryanamaskar is a spiritual physical activity. Here you connect with the Sun God. The way sunshine brings light, hope & positivity similarly performing Suryanamaskar helps us express our gratitude to the divine energy, it solves our health problems, our whole body is stretched & it reduces anxiety.
Have you done Surya Namaskar yet? If no, then stop wasting more time and hop on the bus of positivity as the Government takes you to the world of yoga. Stay fit, stay happy!