Ministry Of Health Shared 5 W’s Of Covid-19
By Nmami Agarwal 11-Feb 2022 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Covid-19 has taken over the world’s breath, we cannot even breathe properly with all the scare. The widespread of this virus has left us with confusion and threat of life. And with the scare of information, it is hard to believe whom to trust and whom to pass.
The Ministry of Health have shared 5 W’s of Covid-19 in their pocket book that discuss everything about Covid-19- what all be kept in mind.
Here Are The 5 W’s Of Covid-19 Shared By Ministry Of Health:
1- What Is My Role?
a- ANM
- It provides information about preventive and control measure
- Addressing myths and misconceptions
- Support DSO on contract tracing as per SOPs, implementing home quarantine, home care and supportive services for HRG and probable cases urban/ rural areas
- Address psychosocial care and stigma and discrimination.
- Reporting & feedback
- Team safety and prevention
- Supportive supervision
- Community awareness through interpersonal communication, upatek of preventive and control measures
- Support ANM/supervisor i house to house surveillance including identification of HRG and probable cases
- Ensure uptake of medical services in urban and rural areas and address psychosocial care and stigma and discrimination
- Reporting and feedback
- Personal safety and precautions
- Use of COVID 19 IEC materials
2- What Should I Know About Covid-19?
a- It is a disease called Coronavirus Disease-2019 caused by a Coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2.
b- The symptoms are fever, cough and difficulty in breathing.
c- If you have the symptoms or,
d- You are a contact of a laboratory confirmed positive case,
e- Then you must immediately call the State Helpline Number or Ministry of health & Family Welfare, Government of India 24*7 helpine 001-2397 8046, 1075 or your ASHA/ANM.
3- What Are The Safe Practices To Be Promoted?
a- Frequent handwashing
b- Maintain social distancing
c- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
d- Practice good respiratory hygiene
e- Stay informed, take care and follow advice fromANM/ ASHA/ AWW
4- Who Is A Suspect?
a- Anyone with acute respiratory illness;
b- A history of travel to or residence in a country/ area or territory reposting local transmission of the virus during the 14 days prior to the symptom onset;
c- Anyone with any acute respiratory illness and having been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case in the last 14 days prior to the onset of symptoms;
d- Anyone with severe acute respiratory infection and requiring hospitalisation;
e- A case of whom testing for COVID-19 is inconclusive.
5- Who Is A Contact Case?
a- Staying in the same house without proper protection with CVID-19 patient
b- Staying in the same close environment as a COVID-19 patient.
c- Travelling in close proximity with a symptomatic person who later tested positive for COVID-19.
d- Person providing direct care to a COVID-19 patient.
e- The infection may have been transferred within a 14-day period before the onset of illness in the case under consideration.
These 5 W’s will surely clear out all your misconceptions and confusion which is in the air via any media. Stay safe and follow all precautions.